Research Systems and Tools

UofL provides a suite of systems and tools to support the development and management of research and scholarly activity, including finding funding, applying for limited submission opportunities, proposal and award management, researcher disambiguation via digital persistent identifiers, and more.

These tools support the UofL research enterprise, minimizing administrative burden and providing faculty and research administrators with resources that are essential for performing groundbreaking research.

Pivot will help you with locating and securing funding to support research and scholarly activity - a time consuming, highly competitive endeavor

Pivot is an easy-to-use searchable database that will help researchers and scholars across all disciplines find external funding opportunities from federal, foundation, corporate, and other private sponsors. Pivot also provides a number of additional tools to support researchers, including the ability to identify potential collaborators and the opportunity to establish newsletters and automated notifications for customized funding opportunities.

More information on using Pivot is available here.

Dimensions will allow you to seamlessly explore, report on, and analyze various aspects of UofL’s research ecosystem. This innovative platform allows you to simultaneously delve into grants, publications, datasets, clinical trials, patents, and policy initiatives enabling a deeper understanding of our global scholarly impact

Dimensions offers an array of filters, advanced analytical perspectives, and dynamic visualizations. These features elevate our research strategy, streamline reporting processes, facilitate ongoing analysis and evaluation, and much more.

Harness the power of Dimensions to unlock new insights and maximize the impact of your research endeavors.

More information on using Dimensions is available here.

InfoReady will help you find and apply for internal grant and limited submission opportunities. These funding opportunities can be critical to the success of your research program, but navigating the application and selection process is often a challenge.

InfoReady is a centralized, online portal that streamlines the process of applying for internal grant programs and limited submission opportunities from external sponsors. InfoReady replaces the cumbersome emails, spreadsheets, and shared folders historically used for internal competitions and is a one-stop location for internal funding opportunities, reviews, and award notifications.

More information on using InfoReady is available here.

Maximizing the amount of time actively spent on research and scholarship is essential to the development of new ideas and the discovery of new knowledge, but the administrative and compliance requirements associated with these activities often require significant time, energy, and effort. iRIS and Cayuse are electronic research administration systems designed to streamline compliance and administrative processes and interactions.

iRIS facilitates the submission, review, approval, and administration of disclosures and compliance protocols. The iRIS system supports conflict of interest (COI) disclosures, human subjects research/IRB, hazardous safety/IBC, and animal care and use/IACUC requirements. (Note: The IACUC and IBC applications will move to Cayuse in 2025.)

More information on using iRIS, including video and training guides, is available here. Or contact the IRIS service account at

Cayuse is a cloud based, connected research suite designed to support the full research lifecycle through the delivery of several electronic research applications; Proposals (system-to-system grant submission), Sponsored Projects, risk management (IACUC and IBC), and resource management. (Note: The Cayuse IACUC and IBC applications will be implemented in 2025.)

More information on Cayuse is available here.

The CITI Program is a platform where you can discover and complete research trainings ahead of conducting research. The CITI Program offers a number of required and optional courses, ranging from responsible conduct of research (RCR) training to an introduction to grant writing.

More information on using CITI, including video and training guides, is available here. If registering for the CITI Program visit here to learn how or use the steps below to get started.

  1. Go to CITI website:
  2. From the home screen, click on Register under “Create an Account”
  3. Select Your Institution or Organization: Enter University of Louisville in the search bar. Click Continue.
  4. Personal Information: Enter your first and last name, as recorded with the university. Under email use your U of L email ( as the email address. You can add another preferred address to the Secondary email address field, if you like. If you do not use your primary U of L email address in the first email field, your training results could be delayed in posting to iRIS. Please note: the email addresses entered here are the ones that any future password requests will be sent to; you are encouraged to use addresses that are stable and make sure to enter them without any typos. Click Continue.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonprofit organization helping create a world in which all who participate in research, scholarship and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions and affiliations, across disciplines, borders and time.

When you register to obtain your unique ORCID ID, that number will attach to your research outputs and follow you throughout your professional career, creating a comprehensive repository of your work. Your ORCID ID is not affected by name changes, cultural differences in name order, inconsistent abbreviations and formats, or use of different alphabets.

Registering for an ORCID ID is an online process that should take less than one minute.

More information on using ORCID is available here or via the following resources below.