Grand Challenges

Creating thriving futures through transformative research


How will disruptive technology and new ideas shape our future economy?How will we create equity and empower marginalized members of our communities?How will we ensure people live not just longer lives, but healthier, more productive ones?

The Grand Challenges of our time will impact the human condition for generations to come.

The University of Louisville has chosen to concentrate its research and scholarship efforts behind three Grand Challenges, knowing the solutions we find could make a difference and create a thriving future for Louisville, for Kentucky and for the world.

What are "Grand Challenges?"

To us, Grand Challenges are big, global problems we, the UofL community, can help solve through multi-disciplinary research, scholarship, innovation and partnerships.

At UofL, our Grand Challenges are Empowering Our Communities, Advancing Our Health and Engineering Our Future Economy.

These Grand Challenges:

  • are broad areas with countless lines of inquiry;
  • can be positively influenced through multidisciplinary solutions;
  • build on UofL’s strong existing expertise and infrastructure;
  • and will differentiate UofL as a leader in global innovation and change.

UofL is ready to take on these challenges. We are equipped with a robust infrastructure – by way of equipment, facilities and capable, curious people passionate about solving these problems. We are ready to translate their research and its findings into solutions for public benefit. And we are ready to build strong, meaningful partnerships that cross disciplines, industry and communities in the name of making our world a better place to work and live.

“These Grand Challenges represent some of the biggest global problems of our time. As a top-tier, powerhouse research institution, UofL is uniquely positioned to solve each of these problems, working hand-in-hand with our community partners to rethink what's possible and build a brighter future.”
—Executive Vice President for Research & Innovation Kevin Gardner