High School Vocabulary: Newton's Laws of Motion

List of Targeted Vocabulary and Links to Student Handouts and Teacher PowerPoints

Week-by-Week Vocabulary Overview Chart
Newton's Laws of Motion

(Live links to student handouts and teacher powerpoints)


Unit ProgressionTargeted Vocabulary
Week 1

New vocab: Acceleration/Deceleration, Constant speed, Exert a force/Experience a force, Number/Amount, Increase/Decrease

Other important vocabulary: Upward/Downward, Opposite [introduce implicitly]

Student Handout

Teacher PPT

Week 2-3

New vocab: Momentum, Collision, Conserve, Elastic/Elastic collision, Inelastic/Inelastic collision

Other important vocabulary: Stationary , Gain [introduce implicitly]

Student Handout

Teacher PPT

Week 4

New vocab: Velocity, Inertia, Mass, Weight, Friction

Review: Acceleration/Deceleration, Constant speed, Elastic/inelastic collision

Student Handout

Teacher PPT

Week 5

New vocab: Force, Balanced, Unbalanced, Action, Reaction, Gravity

Review: Upward, Downward, Opposite, Exert a force, Experience a force

Student Handout

Teacher PPT

Week 6

New vocab: Stimulus, Response, Reflex, Estimate, Brakes, Stop watch, Horizontal/vertical, Graph, Data table

Student Handout

Teacher PPT