Middle School Vocabulary: Population and Ecosystems

List of Targeted Vocabulary and Links to Student Handouts and Teacher PowerPoints

Week-by-Week Vocabulary Overview Chart
Population and Ecosystems

(Live links to student handouts and teacher powerpoints)


Unit ProgressionTargeted Vocabulary
Week 1

New vocab: population size,  population growth, male , female, reproduction, offspring, eggs

Student Handout

Teacher PPT

Week 2-3

New vocab: reproductive potential, limiting factor, frequency, rate, volume, percentage

Review: reproduction, population growth, biotic, abiotic

Student Handout

Teacher PPT

Week 4

New vocab: biomass, carrying capacity, experiment, nymph, humidity

Other important words:predation, drought, flood, disease, lack of space [introduce in context]

Student Handout

Teacher PPT

Week 5

New vocab: food source, extinct, symbiotic relationship, trophic level, biosphere

Other important words: amount/number, increase/decrease, carry out, prediction [introduce in context]

Student Handout

Teacher PPT