Become an SOSer

The Student Orientation Staff is looking for qualified students to help complete our dynamic team for 2024!

Being an SOSer is a great way to grow personally and professionally while helping new students transition to UofL through Orientation! As an SOSer, you will mentor and guide new students through the ins and outs of life as a Louisville Cardinal. This position is also a great way to make connections to campus. If you want to be a leader on campus and wear the coveted red polo, apply online to be on our team. Create your mark, leave your legacy, become an SOSer!

Here's how:

  • Step 1: Read the position description to ensure you meet the requirements and can commit to the position responsibilities if selected.
  • Step 2: Apply online October 1-9, 2024.

If you have any questions, please email the Orientation Programs office at or call 502.852.7276.