Transfer & Adult Student Guide
Are you ready to join the Cardinal Family? Here's a guide to help you with your next steps!
If you haven't already done so, you must activate your student account. This will grant you access to ULink, Cardsmart, Blackboard and UofL Email.
- Your ULink account gives you access to your grades, your financial aid package and your tuition bill.
- You will use CardSmart to find your Academic Advisor and schedule your Academic Advising Appointment.
- Blackboard is a web-based technology support for your classes.
- Your UofL Email is your only source for official email communications from the University.
If you haven't completed your FAFSA, do so as soon as possible. UofL's school code is 001999.
Once you've submitted your FAFSA:
- Use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool if you are eligible to do so.
- Review your Financial Aid To-Do List via your ULink account when notified by the Student Financial Aid Office and on a regular basis.
You can use our Cost Calculator to receive an estimated cost of attendance.
The Pre-Advising Module contains necessary information that students will need prior to their Academic Advising Appointment. The Pre-Advising Module will be accessible in your New Cards Gateway and an email will be sent when available.
Students must review the Pre-Advising Module in order to access CardSmart and attend Academic Advising.
Access Module via Your New Cards Gateway
*Note: Adult, first-time in college students will need to pay their enrollment deposit in their New Cards Gateway before gaining access to the pre-advising module or course registration.
You can also register for an On-Campus Orientation session in your New Cards Gateway.
Find more information about Transfer & Adult Student Orientation
*Note: Adult, first-time in college students will need to pay their enrollment deposit in their New Cards Gateway before gaining access to orientation registration.
After you complete your Pre-Advising Module, schedule an appointment with your academic advisor by logging into CardSmart with your ULink username and password. Step-by-step instructions for accessing CardSmart are available in the Pre-Advising Module.
Your appointment could be scheduled up to 5 to 7 days from the date of your call. An electronic copy of your Student Transfer Evaluation (STE) will be available on your ULink account prior to your advising appointment. During your advising appointment, you will review your STE, address any course transfer issues and select courses for the upcoming semester.
Schedule an Advising Appointment
*Note: Adult, first-time in college students will need to pay their enrollment deposit in their New Cards Gateway before gaining access to schedule an advising appointment.
After you have completed academic advising, you will be ready to register for classes when registration is available. Please note that you will be required to complete pre-registration questions before gaining access to enrollment. These questions can be found in the “Tasks” tile in ULink.
Every student is required to have a Student ID, also known as your Cardinal Card. This card confirms that you are a University of Louisville student and indicates you are entitled to the rights, privileges and responsibilities of a student. The Cardinal Card functions as your ID card, meal card, and library card, among many other uses. Submit your student ID photo in advance.
(The Cardinal Card is optional for online program students. For more information, please send an email request with your ID number to cardinalcard@louisville.edu or visit Get a Card)
If you are planning to live on campus, please apply for housing as soon as possible.
If you plan to have a car on campus you'll need to order a parking pass.
If you are currently enrolled at another institution, once your final grades have been posted you will need to submit a final transcript. If you are attending a Kentucky public institution, please have them certify your General Education courses on your final transcript.
You can find your account balance on ULink.
In order to be issued a refund of any residual funds that may be in your student account after tuition and fees are paid, you must set up your refund method in ULink (serviced by Nelnet.)
- Log into your student portal via ULink
- Click on the Financial Account tile.
- In the Financial Account tile, click the Nelnet icon labeled "Student Refunding."
- More information can be found at the Bursar Office website.
Phone: 502-852-7276
Email: orient@louisville.edu
Financial Aid
Phone: 502-852-5511
Email: finaid@louisville.edu
Office of Transfer and Adult Services
Phone: 502-852-0166
Email: transfer@louisville.edu