Admission – Composition
Admission to the Music Composition program at the University of Louisville has three required components that are listed below. Admission to the Composition program must include successful admission to both the University of Louisville and the School of Music.
1) Admission to the University of Louisville
These requirements usually include such things as a prerequisite degrees, acceptable GPA, and, for foreign students, minimum TOEFL scores. The list is only an example and is not complete or official. Please be sure to review all university-wide requirements for admission.
2) Admission to the School of Music
For undergraduate students, this includes a successful audition on an instrument or voice. This is required of all potential undergraduate composition majors. Please review the information on the School of Music web pages for this information or contact the instrumental or vocal faculty directly.
3) Admission to the Music Composition program
PORTFOLIO OF ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS: The portfolio should contain three or four samples of original compositions, along with recordings for the same works, if possible. Evidence of experience using various instrumental and/or vocal combinations is helpful. Submit your most advanced and sophisticated work. If you have any questions about what to submit in the portfolio, feel free to ask questions before submitting.
There are two ways to submit your portfolio.
1) PREFERRED METHOD: Prepare a digital cloud-box, such as DropBox, OneDrive, or Google Drive and upload pdf scores and audio files to that. When you have finished all uploads, send the link to Ms. Laura Angermeier. Don’t send the link until you are sure that your portfolio is complete.
2) OPTIONAL METHOD: Prepare bound, double-sided paper scores and an audio CD.
Mail to:
Ms. Laura Angermeier
Admissions Counselor
School of Music
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
Note that admission to the music composition program is not possible without admission to both the University of Louisville and the School of Music. Although the composition faculty may find your composition portfolio admissible, this is only one component of the admission process, and you must be admitted to the University of Louisville and the School of Music to become a Music Composition major.
Undergraduate Specific Information |
Graduate Specific Information |