32nd International Conference on Critical Thinking Concurrent Sessions

July 21, 2012 Berkeley, California

Developing Intellectual Virtues

Brian Barnes
University of Louisville

How do Intellectual Traits cross over from the classroom into our daily routine? Can educators find ways to cultivate these Traits in the classroom that will cause them to become significant for students' and teachers' broader lives? This workshop will provide classroom activities and assignments that emphasize the connections between a scholarly pursuit of positive habits of mind and their location in the world at large. Importance is placed on connecting the Traits to Intellectual Standards and Elements of Thought to demonstrate the claim that study of one aspect of the Framework reinforces other aspects. Participants will learn to develop activities that work for their own disciplines.

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Using Critical Thinking “Elements Wheel” as Staff Training Tool

Rhonda Ormann
University of Louisville

Session explores process by which presenter utilized critical thinking knowledge gained as UofL undergraduate student to subsequently develop year-long departmental training initiative at place of employment, Jefferson Community & Technical College. Initiative focused on developing critical thinking skills using tools from Paul/Elder framework modified by presenter specifically for this purpose. Session will cover goals, challenges, strengths, and weaknesses of using the Paul/Elder framework as a strategy to address departmental training needs.

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Using the Elements of Thought in a Digital Media Assignment to foster the development of the Intellectual Traits

Edna Ross
University of Louisville

The emphasis on digital media proficiency and critical thinking competencies are increasingly important components of higher education. UofL honors seminar students were required to utilize the Paul-Elder framework of critical thinking to develop a video presentation of their final project. The instructor of the course will explain how the assignment maps to specific critical thinking proficiencies and one of the students from the class will present her perspective on

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Bringing it Home: Critical Thinking at the Institutional Level

Patty Payette and Rush Cosgrove

This session will focus on helping administrators, teachers and other leaders begin to design a long-term critical thinking professional development program at their home institution, department or school. During this session, the facilitators will share insights (both experiential and research-based) from one institution (the University of Louisville) currently in the 5th year of a 10-year plan to improve teaching for critical thinking across the disciplines.

The session will focus on the guiding principles useful in designing effective professional development programs around critical thinking at any institution and at any level. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and apply these principles to their own unique contexts and draft a plan of action to take significant steps toward a critical thinking program at their home institution. The session will be jointly led by Rush Cosgrove (PhD candidate in educational research, University of Cambridge) and Patty Payette, Ph.D. (executive director of the critical thinking faculty development initiative at the University of Louisville).

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