Past Evaluation Plans

The Office of Academic Planning and Accountability coordinates the strategic planning, institutional research, and institution effectiveness functions of the University.

2007-2008 Academic Year

In May 2008 the i2a Task Group approved the following i2a student learning outcomes:

  • Students completing general education courses will be able to communicate important ideas and to use critical thinking as a tool for learning by:
    1. Applying the Elements of Thought* in selected, course assignments.
    2. Using the Universal Intellectual Standards** as criteria for quality in reasoning.
  • Students completing courses within their identified major will be able to communicate important ideas and use critical thinking as a tool for learning by:
    1. Applying the Elements of Thought* in selected discipline-specific course assignments.
    2. Using the Universal Intellectual Standards** as criteria for assessing quality of discipline-specific reasoning.
    3. Demonstrating discipline-specific critical thinking skills using real world problems.
  • Upon completion of the culminating experience students will demonstrate the ability to:
    1. Apply the Elements of Thought* when engaging in an i2a culminating experience project.
    2. Use the Universal Intellectual Standards** as criteria for assessing quality during the i2a culminating experience project.
    3. Demonstrate well-cultivated critical thinking skills when engaging in an i2a culminating experience project.

2008-2009 Academic Year

2009-2010 Academic Year

  • Summary of the Unit Implementation Plan Final Reports

2010-2011 Academic Year

  • i2a Integration Map was created.
  • The Unit Annual Report template was created by the assessment subcommittee.

2011-2012 Academic Year

  • Summary of the Unit Annual Reports
  • The Student Affairs and co-curricular departments annual report template was created by the assessment subcommittee.

Paul-Elder Critical Thinking conceptualization:

  • *Elements of Thought: Information, Purpose, Interpretation & Inference, Key Question, Assumptions, Essential Concepts, Implications & Consequences, Point of View
  • **Universal Intellectual Standards: Clarity, Accuracy, Precision, Relevance, Depth, Breadth, Logic, Significance, Fairness, Completeness

The i2a Evaluation Plan Schematic Representation [PDF] was created to provide a visual representation of the "big picture". The long-term goal is to have the plan be a dynamic document that would link to more detailed documents. For example, in the "Assessment" section clicking on "Critical Thinking Rubric General Education" would like to the critical thinking summary data for general education courses. A Detailed Unit Level i2a Evaluation Plan [PDF] has been created for each component of the i2a plan (e.g., general education, majors, and culminating experience). The plan provides specific suggestions of tasks (inputs) for units to consider for incorporating i2a.

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