Title: Director, Admissions and Special Programs
Office: SK 129
Email: luke.buckman@louisville.edu
Phone: 502.852.4666
Areas of Specialization: Admissions, Recruitment, Brown Fellows Program, Betty & David Jones Scholars Program, Mentored Scholarships, Living Learning Communities, Student Organizations (Black & Brown Honors Society, Honors Student Council, The White Squirrel Arts & Literary Magazine).
Advice: 1. If you find a course you are interested in taking, regardless of whether its in your area of major or minor study, take it! You may not have the opportunity to study something like it in the future. Take advantage of opportunities and enjoy your time here.
2. Get off campus and be a part of Louisville. Experience the city! Louisville is one of the best cities in the world, with world-class dining, museums, music performances, art galleries, sporting events, tons of independent local businesses, and more. So get out there and see it.
3. Give back to your community, whether through involvement in a campus organization or finding an off-campus organization with which you share a passion.
Favorite Quote: "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before." Kurt Vonnegut, Cats Cradle
"To be indifferent for whatever reason is to deny not only the validity of existence, but also its beauty. Betray, and you are a man; torture your neighbor, you're still a man. Evil is human, weakness is human; indifference is not." Elie Wiesel, The Town Beyond the Wall