Research databases

    These databases can help you identify the types of research that sponsor agencies are currently funding or find specific awards made through a funding agency.

    NIH RePORTER – NIH’s new awards made tool including award data from NIH, SAMSHA, HRSA, FDA, CDC, AHRQ, and VA

    NIH RePORT – NIH research activities, reports, data and analysis


    Dept. of Agriculture (CRIS)

    Dept. of Defense (DOD)

    Dept. of Education (ED)

    Dept. of Energy (DOE)

    Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Grants Information Controls System

    Federal R&D Project Summaries – from NIH, NSF, EPA, DOE, USDA, and SBA

    Foundation Center 990 Finder – Database of IRS 990 tax returns, including grant awarded by Foundations

    Health Services Research Projects in Progress (NIH-NLM)

    Institute of Museum and Library Services

    National Endowment for the Arts

    National Endowment for the Humanities