Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician.txt

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Questions to Ask Your 
Pediatrician About Autism 

P. Gail Williams, M.D. 

Associate Professor of Pediatrics 

University of Louisville 

Questions to ask your pediatrician when you suspect 
the diagnosis 
Questions to ask your pediatrician once the diagnosis 
is made 


What are the signs of autism? 
Communication impairments 
Social skills deficits 
Limited range of interests and activities 


When You Suspect the Diagnosis 

Frequently ignore language 
Deficits in nonverbal communication (eye gaze, 
pointing and gesturing, facial expression, etc.) 
Impairments in receptive and expressive language 
Language regression in 1/3 of cases 

Communication in Young Children 
with Autism 

�Off in his own world� 
Lack of joint attention, shared enjoyment 
Difficult to engage in interactive play 
Social deficits often most evident with same age 

Social Interaction in Young Children 
with Autism 

Minimal or atypical toy play 
Strong preoccupations 
Perseverative activities or speech 
Insistence on routine, rituals 
Abnormal response to sensory input 

Range of Activities in Young Children 
with Autism 

First Signs 

Can we screen for autism? 


The American Academy of Pediatrics has 
recommended specific autism screening at 18 and 24 
month well child checks. 
Many screening tools are available 
Perhaps the most widely used is M-CHAT 
Readily available and sensitive 

When You Suspect the Diagnosis of 

What services are available? 


First Steps provides services for any child with 
developmental disabilities below the age of 3 
Includes speech therapy, occupational therapy, 
developmental intervention, behavior interventions 
The public school system provides preschool and 
therapy services after age 3 
Don�t wait to start services 

When You Suspect the Diagnosis 

How can I get definitive diagnosis? 


Facilities throughout the state can provide 
evaluations; most are in academic centers 
Evaluation should include thorough history, 
behavioral observations, developmental measures, 
autism diagnostic tool 
Medical evaluation also helpful 

When You Suspect the Diagnosis 

What causes autism? 


Etiology still unknown 
Neurobiologic disorder due to differences in brain 
Strong genetic component 
Possible environmental factors 

Once the Diagnosis is Made 

How common is autism? 


Current research indicates prevalence rate of 1 in 88 
Dramatic increase in prevalence over last 20 to 30 
In part, due to increased awareness, better diagnostic 
tools, increased services, etc. 

Once the Diagnosis is Made 

What are the risks for having a second child with 


Previously quoted as 3 to 8% 
Recent study of siblings of children with autism 
indicated recurrence risk of nearly 19% 

Once the Diagnosis is Made 

Should any medical tests be done? 


Autism is associated with other medical and genetic 
conditions in 10 to 15% of cases 
Genetic testing recommended to include Fragile X 
DNA testing, microarray chromosome analysis 
Sleep deprived EEG if history of language regression 
Consider MRI of brain 

Once the Diagnosis is Made 

Medical Tests 

Are there any medical conditions more common in 


Intellectual disability is identified in approximately 
50% of children with autism 
Seizures are present in approximately one-third of 
children with autism 

Once the Diagnosis is Made 

What about vaccinations and autism? 


First concerns were raised about measles vaccine and 
Initial work discredited; numerous studies showed no 
relationship between autism and measles vaccine 
Later concern about thimerosol and autism 
Studies showed no relationship; no longer used as 
preservative in vaccines 

Once the diagnosis is made 

What about sleep? 


Many children with ASD have sleep problems 
Disruption in Circadian rhythms 
Difficulty falling and staying asleep, waking early 
Behavioral interventions first line 
Melatonin may be helpful 

Once the Diagnosis is Made 

What about eating habits? 


Often very limited food repertoires 
Can be based on sensory issues 
Behavioral approach often very effective 
Systematic approach to introducing new foods 
Provide rewards and exposure, not trying to force 

Once diagnosis is made 

What is the treatment for autism? 
Primarily educational and behavioral 
24 evidence based practices 
Speech therapy 
Occupational therapy 
Social skills training 

Once the Diagnosis is Made 

What about behavioral problems associated with 


Behavioral problems common 
Attention problems and hyperactivity 
Anxiety and depression 
Marked irritability with mood lability, aggression, self 
injurious behavior 

Once the diagnosis is made 

What role does medication have in the treatment of 


Medication does not address core symptoms of 
Adjunctive to help with associated behavior problems 
that interfere with home, school and community 

Once the diagnosis is made 

What medications are used to treat these behavioral 


Medications for ADHD: stimulants, nonstimulants 
Medications for depression/anxiety: SSRI�s 
Medications for severe irritability: atypical 

Once the diagnosis is made 

What should I ask before starting medication? 


What behaviors are being targeted by the 
What side effects are possible? 
What monitoring should be done? 
How will we measure progress on medication? 

Once the diagnosis is made 

What about alternative biomedical interventions? 


Wide variety available, including dietary changes, 
vitamins, and supplements 
Others: hyperbaric oxygen, chelation therapy 
Little research available 

Once the diagnosis is made 

What should I consider if I want to try biomedical 


Potential benefits 
Potential side effects 
Role in overall program 
Evidence supporting intervention 

Once the diagnosis is made 

What can I expect in the future? 


Progress, but variable in rate 
Factors in prognosis: intelligence, temperament, 
language, early intervention 
Access services and supports to optimize child�s 
potential, but realize that each child� potential is 


Once the diagnosis is made 

Where do I go from here? 
Educate yourself about autism 
Access appropriate educational and behavioral 
Become an advocate for your child 
Resources: KATC Family Guide, AAP, Autism Speaks, 
CDC, local family support groups 

Once the Diagnosis is Made