EC services presentation.5.10.12.Autism-1.txt

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File contents

Access to Early Childhood 
Services Guide Overview 

Designed by the Early Childhood Family Network Committee 


Presentation by Tal Curry 

Department for Public Health 

Presentation Outline 

�Vision, Purpose, Goals for this tool 
�How this tool could be used 
�Structure of this tool 
�Journey through the tool 
�Wrap up and questions about the tool 

Access Guide Page 1 and 2 

�Need or gaps in the coordination or 
integration of services 
�Under Title of EC Services Guide 
�Family Involvement is critical throughout a Child�s 
�The Parents or Primary Caregivers are seen as 
experts about their Child 
�and Service Providers provide support to the 

�This EC Guide can be a tool for early childhood 
professionals and for family members 
�Referral to appropriate programs and 
community services 
�EC Guide is designed to support families and 
their children from prenatal (conception) 
through age five. 

�Promotion & Prevention � Public Health 
�The goal is not to just react to a need, but 
begin to have systems (families and 
professionals) be preventive! 
�Transition- begin to show a guide for 
transition children from one service to 

Specific Goals 

More specifically�.. 

�Promote early intervention 
�To help community providers make appropriate 
�Understand the services provided/available 
�Know what the age requirements are 
�Be aware of transition phases 
�Be aware of places where programs collaborate 
and coordinate services (blending, braiding, 
transitioning, seamless, uninterrupted) 


How it could be used? 

1.Posted in Local Health Departments, 
Community Action Agencies, DCBS -Family 
Support, Primary Care Providers, etc. 
2.Used by DCBS P&P offices, First Step Primary 
Service Coordinators, Pediatricians, 
Commission for Special Health Care Needs, 
Natural Support systems (Faith Based, 
Support Groups�)etc. 


�EC Guide/EC Services Guide � Access to Early 
Childhood Services for Children and Families 
Prenatal through Age 5 (title of document) 
�Family - includes parents, caregivers, legal 
guardians and often other natural supports like 
friend that lives in proximity that serves as 
�Categories � 8 primary categories on front of the 
EC Guide. (Last box has two categories Head Start 
& State Funded Preschool) 

Structure of document 

�Page 1 (Guide, roadmap, flowchart) -- 
highlights some of the primary early childhood 
programs and services 
�Page 2 (or Informational side)� provides 
information on other state and national 
programs serving children and families 
�Two editions � Laminated and folded 
�Color coordination 

Page 1 

Page 2 

Family Category 

�Family involvement or 
family driven care is 
paramount to the system 
�Where everything starts 
and flows from 
�Should be integrated 
throughout categories so 
gave it its own category, 
�Family governs care for 
child and their community 
�Note -5 family driven 
system of care bullets 

Use for this tool in systems 

 This tool is designed to emphasize and 
encourage family involvement with all systems 
providing services to children and families in 
order to strengthen the parent�s role as an 
advocate and primary decision maker for their 
child�s continued growth and development 

Who drives the need? 

�Child drives the need! 
�Caregivers respond by � 
providing care and/or 
seeking additional 

Ongoing cycle of family driven care 

�Caregivers have to seek 
additional support 
�Make decisions 
�Monitor progress 

One category where families 
enter system use: 

�DCBS Family Support 
�FRYSC - Schools 
�Community Action Agency 

Medical Category 

�Medical Category links to 
Health Insurance under 
Family Category 
�Medicaid/KCHIP or 
Private Insurance 
�Need to include 
Educational Model of 
services Part C (First 
Steps), then Part B (State 
Funded Preschool) with 
Medical model of services 

Medical Category continued 

�Other Category where 
families start in a system 
�Category emphasizes 
prevention starting with 
Note: Folic Acid and 
abstaining from ATOD. 
�Conception to Birth Period 
�Most boxes yellow except 
OBGYN and LHD ovals 
�Primary Care Provider 
including Preventative, 
Specialty Care, & Dental 

Social-Emotional or Behavioral Health 

�Final box in category 
blue to highlight Social-
Emotional needs 
served through Medical 
Model of services 
�Many state services 
under DBHDID website 
�This color is repeated in 
6 places under primary 

Categories of Primary EC Services- 

�Proactive program with 
great results! 
�Enrollment is conception to 
12 weeks after a child is 
born�do you know why? 
�Best outcomes are from the 
1st trimester a 
mother/father enters 
�Don�t forget first time dads 
for referral of family to the 
program (could be mother�s 
third child)! 

HANDS Continued 

�Note after HANDS does 3 
different screening with 
family -- referral 
information to other 
�This blue matches blue of 
previous category under 
Social- Emotional or other 
BH provider 
�Note color coordination not 
perfect with informational 
side/page 2 (red Medical/ 
Social Emotional Programs) 

Categories of Primary EC Services- 

�Childcare � there are 
many types of childcare 
�Approximately 3000 
licensed childcare 
centers and certified 
family home providers 
�Childcare is different 
than State Funded 

Childcare continued 

�This category attempts 
to show the relationship 
or process of a family 
seeking childcare 

Childcare continued 

�Referral to other 
community resources 
should include a 
�rainbow� of possibilities 
�This is important to 
consider when thinking 
about a child receiving 
the most appropriate 
services and when a child 
is transitioning between 
programs in the same day 

Categories of Primary EC Services- 
First Steps 

�Part C Program or 
statewide Early 
Intervention System for 
children birth and 
ending at age three. 
�Service Coordination 
�Strengths and 

Under First Steps Category 

�Example of different 
color coding 
transition and 

Categories of Primary EC Services- 
Early Head Start 

�Only Primary EC Service 
that is not statewide 
�There are 
approximately 14 Early 
Head Start Programs 
servicing infants and 

Categories of Primary EC Services- 
Head Start 

�All 120 counties have a 
Head Start program 
serving some of our 
states most vulnerable 
children and families. 
program with strong 
family involvement 

Categories of Primary EC Services- 
State Funded Preschool 

�172 school districts 
offer Part B services or 
Individual Education 
Program for children 
with educational 
developmental delays 
and other income 
elidgible children 
�Balance with Childcare 
and Medical model 

Informational Side 

that will 
soon be 
as of 
October 1, 

Informational Side 

�WIC is a LHD 
program that is 
a common 
thread among 
our EC families 
�prenatal to 
age 5. 
�CCSHCN is a 

Info side 

�CCAP � 
example of 
�An example 
of technical 
provider for 
child care 
and families 

Info Side 

�Example of 
State and 

Local Contacts section-info side 

� For local provider to fill in 
� Or for family to fill in 

EC Services Guide made possible by ECCS, 

� Dissemintation 
� Survey 
� Extra copies 
� Website 

How will you use this EC Guide? 

1. With systems that are: 

 a) Statewide? 

 b) Regionally? 

 c) Locally? 

2. In your own Professional Development? 

3. How would you present or train guide with: 

 a) a family? 

 b) with an EC professional? 

 c) with a group? 


Access Guide Online 

Presenter Information 

Tal Curry, LCSW 

Early Childhood Promotion 

Department for Public Health 

275 East Main St, HS2W-C 

Frankfort, KY 40621 

