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Additional Resources: 

This is the long and ridiculous link for the Word document "social_skills_group_topics (1)", which is the list of 
"Elementary Level Social Skills Groups 2010-2011 School Year" document I found online. 


Some well-known professionals whose work focuses on social skills training & potential known resources 

Jed Baker 
. (good resource for linking up 
with commercial products) 
Scott Bellini 
o (this is his social skills profile 
that may be helpful in getting started in assessing to determine appropriate skills to target 

Erik Carter 
. This is the "social skills group" 
module and if you don't have an account you just have to sign-up for one and they do not spam you; 
you only receive emails when a new module is released 
o The majority of modules are based, such as this one, on the National Professional 
Development Center on ASD (NPDC-ASD) work on determining evidence-based practices for 
students with ASD 
o (click on "implementation 
. You can find a brief that explains where in the literature (up to the last review) 
where they found the evidence and then the steps for implementation and checklist 
for implementation along with other items are available