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Bolick, T. (2001). Asperger syndrome and adolescence: Helping preteens and teens 
get ready for the real world. Gloucester, Ma: Fair Winds Press. 

Detmer, C., Dalrymple, N., & Sinex, L. (1987). Sex education: Issues for the person 
with autism. Bloomington, In: Indiana University. 

Gil, E. (1993). Age-appropriate sex play versus problematic sexualized behaviors. 
Sexualized Children: Assessment and Treatment of Sexualized Children and 
Children Who Molest. Rockville, MD: Launch Press. 

Gray, S., Ruble, L., & Dalrymple, N. (2000). Autism and sexuality: A guide for 
instruction. Bloomington, IN: Autism Society of Indiana. 

McKee, L., Kempton, W., & Stiggall-Muccigrosso, L. (1997). An easy guide to loving 
carefully for women and men Haverford, PA: Winifred Kempton Associates. 

Newport, J., & Newport, M. (2002) Autism, asperger�s and sexuality. Arlington, TX: 
Future Horizons, Inc. 

Schwier, K.M., & Hinsburger, D. (2000). Sexuality: Your sons and daughters with 
intellectual disabilities. Baltimore, MD: Brookes. 

Sullivan, A., & Caterino, L.C. (2008). Addressing the sexuality and sex education of 
individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Education and Treatment of 
Children, 31(3), 381-394. 

Tarnai, B. & Wolfe, P. (2008). Social stories for sexuality education for persons with 
autism/ pervasive developmental disorder. Sexuality and Disability, 26, 29-

Wolfe, P.S., Condo, B., & Hardaway, E. (2009). Sociosexuality education for 
persons with autism spectrum disorders using principles of applied behavior 
analysis. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(1), 50-61. 

Wrobel, M. (2003). Taking care of myself: A hygiene, puberty and personal 
curriculum for young people with autism. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons, Inc.