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About Us

The University of Louisville Center for Digital Transformation transforms the access, awareness, design and use of digital technology to enhance learning and discovery in the commonwealth.


UofL provides access to a variety of learning resources from LinkedIn Learning, IBM, Adobe, Microsoft, and several more.


Find resources and connection for you and your community. Engage with us for your personal and professional digital transformation!

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About Us

about us

The University of Louisville Digital Transformation Center transforms the access, awareness, design and use of digital technology to enhance learning and discovery in the commonwealth. We provide future-focused curricula and educational tools to embrace digital agility and train todays and tomorrow’s workforce in fast-growing technology areas.

Our Mission is to empower the future of learning, research, and technology through collaboration, community of practice and partnerships.

The University of Louisville Digital Transformation Center (DTC) is committed to fostering an equitable space for everyone to have access to and opportunities for technology empowerment, advanced skilling, and academic development. The DTC understands that the future of innovation relies on inclusive opportunities for all, from various backgrounds, to contribute to the ever-changing technological landscape. As the DTC innovates transformation in research, learning, and community initiatives, equitable representation, inclusion, and technology belonging are top priorities in our mission, as we work to align the DTC’s mission with the University of Louisville’s overall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement.

The Digital Transformation Center is proud be under the UofL Office of Research and Innovation as of December 2023. The office has a focus on understanding and transforming the lives of the people and institutions both on- and off-campus, throughout the city, state, country and world. Together we are working to accomplish these goals starting right here at the university and in the commonwealth.

We will integrate the best features of industry and academic institution relationships to create a modern workforce and advance research that expands our ability to create and implement solutions to grand challenges—issues that will impact the human condition for generations to come. We will accomplish this through:

Program curricula &
skills training
for students
Faculty and staff
Civic and business
partner engagement
Research innovation &
digital transformation

Our Team

Dr. Sharon Kerrick

Dr. Sharon Kerrick

Assistant Vice President for Digital Transformation

View profile here

Dr. Adel Elmaghraby

Dr. Adel Elmaghraby

(Faculty Appointee) Director of Research & Innovation

View profile here

Dr. Andrew Wright

Dr. Andrew Wright

(Faculty Appointee) Consulting Director

Robert Kubash

Robert Kubash

Executive Director

Sherry Duffy

Sherry Duffy

Director of Learning

Elena Fortunato-Wright


Ryo Josephs

Ryo Josephs

Tech Specialist Senior

Jennifer Beck

Jennifer Beck

Recruiting Coordinator

LaKiesha Jones

LaKiesha Jones

Training Specialist

Amie Schaefer

Amie Schaefer

Training Specialist

Nikita Kelley

Nikita Kelley

Program Coordinator

Madison Watts

Instructional Designer

Sivabalan Anbarasi Vadivel

Sivabalan Anbarasi Vadivel

Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Hannah Sadikovic

Hannah Sadikovic

Program Specialist

Leadership and Innovation (L&I) Team

The UofL Digital Transformation Center Leadership & Innovation team meets bi-annually to help develop and potentially implement academic and programmatic experiences; develop micro credentials; suggest education options; suggest community, industry, healthcare, military, and workforce tech training; and help the university expand and effectively partner with additional vendors in current and new frontiers of technology. Each person in this team should try and help communicate across campus to their schools and groups to the information we get from the committee so they can:

  • know more and communicate with their unit about the trainings, events, badges, certificates that we have made available from our tech vendors; and
  • how could we connect more with our tech vendors to support our research and teaching directly; and
  • serve the community at large with upskilling and re-skilling in this arena.

The L&I is constituted of 4 subcommittees:

  • Developing Curricula
  • Faculty and Staff Development
  • Civic and Partner Engagement
  • Research & Innovation

If you are interested in joining the L&I team please contact us at

Adeniran, Ayodeji (Graduate Student Council)· Ahuja, Manju (COB)· Amirali, Shabeer (The Graduate School)· Antimisiaris, Demetra (Health Mgmt. & Systems Sciences, SPHIS)· Baughman, Gay (DENT)· Begany, Jim (Enrollment Management and Student Success)· Bethel-Hines, Cynethia (Nursing)· Brainard, Eli (Robert) (Faculty Senate)· Buford, Brian (Employee Success Center)· Cashon, Cara (Psychology, A&S;)· Darland, Daniel (Student Success Center)· Dawason-Edwards, Cherie (Provost Office)· Delaney, Dan (Information Technology Services)· Drerup, Sarah (Libraries, STEM)· Dunlap (Montgomery), Alicia (Delphi)· Elder, Matt (College of Business - Online Programs Office)· Elmaghraby, Adel (Speed School of Engineering)· Greene, Aimee (Delphi)· Harper, Leslie (Institutional Research)· Heakin, Erin (University Career Center)· Helm, Kristie (School of Medicine/Pediatrics)· Hurwitz, Kyle (Delphi/Military Affairs)· Irvin, Nat (Management, COB - Diversity rep)· Kerrick, Sharon (ELEOD, CEHD)· LaJoie, Scott (Andrew) (SPHIS - Public Health)· Lauf, Adrian (SPEED)· Linzy, Katherine (Trager Institute)· Losavio, Michael (Criminal Justice, A&S;)· Mcart, Andrew (School of Public Health and Information Sciences/Health Management and Systems Sciences/M.S. Health Administration)· Mcdaniels, Laura (Employee Success Center)· Menze, Michael (Biology, A&S;)· Metcalf, Will (EVPRI)· Mills, Caroline (EVPRI)· Morgan, John B. (Delphi Center, Ekstrom Library)· Underwood, Alexandria (Graduate Student Council)· Rabalais, Gerry (MED)· Ritz, John (Composition and Creative Studies, MUSIC)· Rodems, Michelle (Graduate School)· Seay, Dana (Communication, A&S;)· Simrall, Harrison (ITS)· Smith, Patrick (Office of Community Engagement)· Smith, Ted (Pharmacology, MED)· Sun, Jeff (ELEOD, CEHD)· Sweeny, JoAnne (Brandeis School of Law, Associate Dean)· Trent, John (James Graham Brown Cancer Center, MED)· Triplett, Ashley (School of Medicine)· Willey, Beth (Provost Office/UG Education)· Withorn, Tessa (University Libraries)· Wolfe, Lizzy (SGA Student Representative)· Wright, Andrew (CIS/ISAO, COB)· Zahrndt, Jason (Delphi/DMS)


  • Developing Curricula - Beth Willey, Michelle Rodems
  • Faculty and Staff Development - Jason Zahrndt, Laura McDaniels
  • Civic and Partner Engagement - Patrick Smith
  • Research & Innovation -Adel Elmaghraby, Will Metcalf

strategy, education, business

and partner outreach

university of louisville

belknap campus

2301 s. 3rd street

louisville, ky 40208