Arts & Sciences Information Form

Welcome to the University of Louisville College of Arts and Sciences. We will use the information you provide here to help guide our conversations about your future at the University of Louisville. Please make sure you answer as thoroughly and correctly as you can.

NOTE: We ask that if you are a parent, please STOP. Please have your student complete the questions. These questions are important to the student's future success and need to be answered honestly by them.

Personal Information
Do you plan to work during the fall semester?  

Do you want to be a full or part-time student?  

Student Groups
Are you officially on the roster for a University of Louisville Sport?  

Are you part of an ROTC program?  

Are you part of the Marching Band?  

Are you a Porter Scholar?  

Are you a First-Generation College Student?  First in your immediate family to go to college.

Are you part of the Metro College Program?  Working with UPS.

Are you part of the LLC  Living Learning Community?

Major Confirmation
Are you an approved Art Major?  Have you submitted a portfolio and received an acceptance letter?

Are you interested in pursuing a career in the health field?  

Testing and College Credit
Reminder: it is your responsibility to request a final transcript and/or have test scores sent to the University of Louisville. You should have all these sent by August 1.
Please enter your scores for the following tests, if applicable.
IB (International Baccalaureate) Credit Please list all IB credit scores you received (if you know it).
Did you complete any dual credit courses while in high school? These are courses you take in high school but receive college credit for.

Will you be completing an Associates Degree from a Community College prior to starting classes in the fall?