Hite Art Institute Summer Exhibitions

When Jun 27, 2011 11:50 AM to
Aug 07, 2011 04:30 PM
Where Hite Galleries, Schneider Hall
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Contact Phone (502) 852-6794
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The Hite Art Institute's summer exhibitions at Schneider Hall features a variety of interests, ideas, and artists.  The Belknap Gallery introduces an exhibition of over forty artists' books from the collection of the Bridwell Art Library.  In Gallery X, Louisville artist and Hite Alumni, Joseph McGee responded to the recent upheavals in Egypt with a visual meditation on the Sphinx.  Finally, in the Covi Gallery Sara Northerner, the University's first PhD graduate of the new interdisciplinary Humanities doctorate in Aesthetics and Creative Studies, presents The Phenomenological Essence of Image.



Joe McGee,

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