ULARC Highlights from 2024 Scientific Meetings
DiscoverBMB, March 23-26, 2024.San Antonio, TX.
DR Warner, AG Rodgerson, JE Hardesty, CJ McClain, JH Oh, JP van Pijkeren, IA Kirpich Treatment of inflammatory disease pathology with Limosilactobacillus Reuteri engineered to express and release an n3-fatty acid desaturase.
DR Warner, JE Hardesty, JB Warner, UE Casiano, AG Rodgerson, J Wang, CJ McClain, IA Kirpich Inhibition of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Mice with Endogenously Increased n3 PUFAs: Effect on Alcohol Associated Liver Disease.
JE Hardesty, CJ McClain, DR Warner, IA Kirpich Hepatic proteomic analysis identifies reduced expression of coagulation factors and antioxidants in Fpr2-/- mice fed alcohol.
JE Hardesty, M. Merchant, DR Warner, IA Kirpich Resolvin-D1 treatment ameliorated ethanol and galactosamine-induced liver injury and inflammation in an experimental model of alcohol-associated hepatitis
Society of Toxicology, March 10–14, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah
FA Ekuban, TC Gripshover, P Ames, K Biswas, OE Bolatimi, J Abramson, M Iyer, J Liu, A Ekuban, JY Hwang, JW Park, M Banerjee, WH Watson, B Wahlang, D Bello, J Schlezinger, CJ McClain, and MC Cave The forever chemical, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), alters hepatic metabolism and worsens alcohol-associated liver disease severity in a mouse chronic-binge ethanol feeding model
P Ames, FA Ekuban, A Ekuban, OE Bolatimi, J Luo, J Abramson, M Iyer, JH Hardesty, T Gripshover, WH Watson, B Wahlang, D Bell2, J Schlezinger, CJ McClain, MC Cave PPARα-Mediated Hepatic Responses to PFOS Exposure in a Humanized and Knockout Mouse Model of Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease
JD Ritzenthaler, B Horsman, J Roman, WH Watson Hepatocyte-specific α4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors mediate alcohol-induced liver injury
MC Cav2, MR Smit3, H Zheng, V Vatsalya, J Frimodig, FA Ekuban, J Luo, P Ames, Y Liang, S Teeny, WH Watson, Y-M Go, M Kong, DP Jones, CJ McClain ,Examination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in human alcohol-associated liver disease
Digestive Disease Week, May 18-21, 2024. Washington, DC
DR Warner, JE Hardesty, S Ghare, PM Chilton, J Lee, J Zhang, L Zhang, M Wang, J Gabbard, C Anderson, L Batra, C Sreenivasan, J Kraenzle, M McCulley, S McCoy, S Barve, W Feng, J Zheng, K Palmer, C McClain, I Kirpich Endogenous enrichment in omega 3 fatty acids attenuated liver injury caused by chronic ethanol consumption and SARS-COV-2 infection in mice.
Research Society on Alcohol, Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 22-26, 2024
JE Hardesty*, A Rodgerson, Ur Casiano-Esquilin, J Wang, T Gripshover, F Ekuban, DR Warner, CJ McClain, IA Kirpich Hepatocyte PTPMT1 deletion contributes to exacerbated alcohol-induced liver disease. *Oral presentation
UE Casiano-Esquilin*, JE Hardesty, JB Warner, A Rodgerson, J Wang, CJ McClain, DR Warner, IA Kirpich Alterations in hepatic transcriptome due to soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition associated with attenuation of EtOH-induced liver disease: effects of n3-PUFA endogenous enrichment. *Selected for the RSA Undergraduate Diversity Travel Award
A Shefflette, J Warner, A Rodgerson, J Hibbeln, X Yin, Z Zhang, J Feng, CJ McClain, D Warner, I Kirpich Sex differences in soluble epoxide hydrolase activity in alcohol use disorder: evidence from clinical and preclinical studies.
Vatsalya V, Singal A, Cotter T, Royer A, Feng W, Maki K, Ramchandani V, Mitchell M, Dasarathy S, Szabo G, McClain C. Novel screening approaches for assessing alcohol use disorder presentation and integration with comorbidity of ALD
M. Wang; S. Joshi-Barve; L. Gobejishvili; J. Zhang; S. Barve; C. McClain Upregulation of hepatic ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in human alcoholic-associated hepatitis
LJ Sloan, P Chilton; A Rao, JW Zhang, SA Myers, S Reddy, J Lee, L Gobejishvili, J Chariker, E Rouchka, S Ghare, C McClain, S Barve Effects of chronic binge alcohol consumption on Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis in 3xTg-AD mice
PM Chilton, J Lee, S Reddy, JE Hardesty, J Zhang, J Zheng, JD Gabbard, CD Anderson, L Batra, C Sreenivasan, JL Kraenzle, M. McCulley, SB McCoy, SS Barve, KE Palmer, WE Severson, CJ McClain, SS Ghare Tributyrin mitigates SARS- CoV-2 infection induced liver pathology in an experimental model of alcohol-associated liver disease
American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, San Diego, CA, USA, November 15-18, 2024
Warner DR, McClain CJ, Irina A. Kirpich IA Liver injury in heavy drinking individuals is associated with elevated levels of plasma soluble epoxide hydrolase.
MD Manirujjaman, L Zhang, G Pan, R Pushparaj, J Pei, P Huang, X Gao, C McClain, Z Song, W Feng Oral cannabidiol treatment ameliorated alcohol-associated liver disease in mice by reducing gut permeability
MN Walter, D Montoya Durango, W Rodriguez-Alvarez, Y Wang, C Maldonado, S Barve, C McClain, L Gobejishvili Phosphodiesterase 4 inhibition mitigates alcohol induced intestinal dysfunction and the development of alcohol-associated steatohepatitis