LCME Update - October 13, 2014

In the past three weeks we have had much to celebrate as the UofL School of Medicine ushers in a new era in education. In late September we formally opened the renovated instructional building, marking a highly visible accomplishment in our transformation of how we educate and train future physicians.

Colleagues and Friends:

In the past three weeks we have had much to celebrate as the UofL School of Medicine ushers in a new era in education. In late September we formally opened the renovated instructional building, marking a highly visible accomplishment in our transformation of how we educate and train future physicians. The renovated space, with its state of the art technology and new small group classrooms, enables us to better support a contemporary curriculum. This renovation is a tremendous step in providing the best possible learning environment for our students.

This week we received wonderful news from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME).  At its October meeting, the LCME accepted our action plan, which will address all concerns related to accreditation and return the medical school’s status to full accreditation without probation.  Given the LCME's endorsement of our action plan, we expect to have a follow-up site visit by summer 2015, with the goal of moving off probation by October 2015.

I greatly appreciate the countless hours that so many faculty, staff and students   have spent developing and implementing the changes in our infrastructure and curriculum that are transforming our students’ educational experience.  I encourage you to visit the LCME section of the SOM website and read more about our LCME action plan and the great progress we are making.

Indeed Good Things are Happening Here at the UofL School of Medicine!