Graduate Student Representatives

1.  If your GSC representative has changed, please fill out the New GSC Representative Form

2.  The status of a department is noted as either Active, Probation or Inactive. Departments indicated as Active or Probation are in good standing. Inactive departments are not in good standing and are thus not eligible for Research and Travel Grants. For inquiries about the status of your department, please contact the GSC President at

This reflects the incoming GSC Representatives for the 2024-2025  Council. (This is updated Bi-weekly, when needed)




College of Arts & Sciences

Anthropology Active Erin Kurtz
Applied Philosophy Active Sierra Sheard 
Biology Active Noelle Visser
Chemistry Active Frederick Mufoyongo
Communication Vacant
Criminal Justice Active Erin Robinson
English Active Jolie Finley
Art & Design Active Annabela Cockrell
Geographic & Environmental Sciences Active Jordan Sharp
History Vacant
Humanities Active Diana Wilder
Mathematics Active Akidul Haque
Pan-African Studies Active Emmanuel Kumah 
Physics & Astronomy Active Kyle Cook 
Political Science Active William Wiggington
Public Administration Vacant
Psychological & Brain Sciences Active Lizhu Yan
Sociology Active Sasha Belinova
Theater Arts Active Darrin Mosley

Urban & Public Affairs and Urban Planning

Active Rayko Presky
Women's & Gender Studies In-Active Annika Hogstrom

College of Business

Business Analytics 


Kelsey Hintz



Zach Selby

College of Education & Human Development

Sports Administration Pending Kevin Singer
Educational Leadership, Evaluation, & Organizational Development Active Sara Ebrahimi Lialekol
Exercise Physiology Active Frances Maguire
Elementary, Middle & Secondary Teacher Education Vacant

Special Education, Early Childhood & Prevention Science




Counseling and Human Development



Kent School of Social Work

Social Work Active Shameem Varikkodan 

School of Dentistry

Oral Biology Active Abigail Hacker

Graduate School

Translational Bioengineering Active McKenzie Johnson

School of Medicine

Anatomical Sciences & Neurobiology Active McKenna Butler
Audiology/ Communicative Disorders  Active Anna Durham 
Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics Active Leanne Price
Microbiology & Immunology Active Sabarna Roy
Pharmacology & Toxicology Active Wendy Kittle
Physiology Active Tyler Jobe 

School of Music

Music Active Reece Johns 

School of Nursing

Nursing Active Mifleh Al-Araydeh 

School of Public Health & Information Science

Bioinformatics & Biostatistics Active Maraka Banuka 
Health Management & System Sciences Active Chandrima Chatterjee 
Epidemiology & Population Health Active Scotland Stewart
Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences Active Yiru Lou

Speed School of Engineering

Chemical Engineering Active Kirsten Waits
Civil & Environmental Engineering Active Fereydoun Najafianjazi
Electrical & Computer Engineering Active Samir Harb
Computer Science & Engineering Acive Neelabh Kshetry
Industrial Engineering Active Naresh Koju

Mechanical Engineering 



Katpady Akhil Tantry



McKenzie Johnson