Terry Scott

Terry Scott

Professor, Distinguished Scholar, and Director of the Center for Instructional and Behavioral Research in Schools
Department of Special Education, Early Childhood & Prevention Science
Room 105 - College of Education and Human Development
t.scott @ louisville.edu

Position Description - Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies

Dr. Scott's curriculum vitae [PDF]

Educational Background

  • PhD Special Education, University of Oregon, 1994
  • MS Special Education, Portland State University, 1990
  • BS Psychology, University of Oregon, 1984

Teaching Areas

  • Classroom management
  • Applied behavior analysis
  • School-wide discipline systems
  • Interventions for students with extreme behavior

Research Interests

  • Prevention science as applied to schools (primary, secondary, & tertiary)
  • Effective instruction for students with behavioral disorders
  • Functional behavior assessment and function-based intervention
  • Sustainability of evidence-based practice in school settings
  • Classroom management, ecology, and context as a factor in student success rates
  • Positive Behavior Support, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, PBIS
  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, MTSS
  • Classroom Management, Managing student behavior
  • Behavior Disorders Effective Instruction, student engagement, Explicit instruction


  • Direct Observation Research in Classrooms
  • Direct and Explicit Instruction
  • Predicting student behavior from large-scale observation of teacher behavior

Professional Activities

  • Editor, Beyond Behavior
  • National President, Council for Children with Behavior Disorders (Division of International CEC), 2014 - 2015
  • Editorial Board Member for Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions, Behavioral Disorders, Journal of Teacher Education and Special Education, and Exceptionality.
  • Positive Behavior Support trainer/consultant (VA, OH, UT, MD, LA, IA, IL, NYC)
  • More than $9.7 million in federal research and training grant funding

Honors & Awards

  • National Leadership Award - International Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, 2012
  • Alumni of the Month - Portland State University Graduate School of Education, January 2011
  • University of Louisville Distinguished Scholar, '09 - '12, '12 - '15
  • University of Louisville Faculty Favorite, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014
  • Distinguished Early Research Career Award, CEC Division for Research

Professional Memberships

  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
  • Council for Children with Behavior Disorders (Ed. Board, Behavioral Disorders)
  • Division for Research
  • Association for Positive Behavior Support (Ed. Board, JPBI)

Selected Publications

  • Cooper, J., Hirn, R. G., & Scott, T. M (2015). The Teacher as Change Agent: considering Instructional Practice to Prevent Student Failure. Preventing School Failure, 59(1), 1-4. 10.1080/1045988X.2014.919135
  • Gage, N. & Scott, T. M. (2014). Advancing the science of direct observation in emotional and behavioral disorders research: Reliability and unified validity. Behavioral Disorders, 39(4), 177-180.
  • Lewis, T. J., Scott, T. M., Wehby, J., & Wills, H. (2014). Direct observation of teacher and student behavior in school settings: Trends, issues and future directions. Behavioral Disorders, 39(4), 190-200.
  • Hirn, R., Cooper, J., & Scott, T. M. (in press). Effective instructional practices as predictors of student success in school. Preventing School Failure.
  • Colvin, G., & Scott, T. M. (2015). Managing the Cycle of Acting Out Behavior (2nd Ed). New York: Corwin Press.
  • Scott, T. M. (2012). Universal systems for preventing behavior problems (pp. 191-216). In B. G. Cook, M. Tankersley, & T. J. Landrum (Eds.), Classroom behavior, contexts, and interventions (Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities, Volume 25). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Group.
  • Jolivette, K., Alter, P., Scott, T. M., Josephs, N. L., & Swoszowski, N. C. (2012). Strategies to prevent problem behavior. In K. L. Lane, M. Tankersley, & B. Cook (Eds.). Research-based strategies for improving outcomes in behavior. Columbus, OH: Pearson.