Spring Dissertation Writing Retreat

dissertation retreat, writing groups, graduate writing help, dissertation boot camp

several writers sitting at tables concentrating on their laptops or papers

The University Writing Center, with support from the Graduate School, will host its fourteenth annual Dissertation Writing Retreat in person May 12-16, 2025. We encourage all writers currently working on their dissertations to apply. In past retreats, we have worked with writers representing a range of disciplines from Public Health to Engineering to Social Work to Humanities. Some of these writers had just begun writing, some were in the middle of drafting chapters, and others were getting close to completing and defending their dissertations. Regardless of where they were in the process, all the participants made progress on their dissertations and left with a set of writing strategies that would help them maintain their momentum on their projects. Learn about the experiences of participants from past retreats

This year's retreat will occur May 12-16 daily from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in the University Writing Center in Ekstrom Library (room 132). Each day writers will write for several hours, take part in short, writing-focused workshops, enjoy lunch, and meet with a writing consultant. The University Writing Center consultants who work during the retreat are experienced writing consultants and teachers; many are also PhD students currently working on their own dissertations. Each participant in the retreat will be paired with the same consultant for the entire week. There is no fee for participating. Participants must be willing and able to participate for the full retreat. 

Application information

Please use this form to submit an application for the 2025 Dissertation Writing Retreat. Completed applications are considered and accepted on a rolling basis, in the order in which they are received. The final deadline for applications is April 4, 2025.

A completed application consists of the following materials: 

    1. A letter written by the applicant to the retreat coordinators, stating the reasons for applying for the retreat and goals for the week.
    2. A letter of support written by the writer’s adviser/director. 
    3. Documents to demonstrate progress and status of the dissertation, (drafts, proposals, etc.).

    Priority will be will given to applicants who have not previously participated in a Dissertation Writing Retreat.

    If you have questions about the retreat, contact the University Writing Center at 502-852-2173 or writing@louisville.edu.