Creative Writing Groups

creative writing, writing group, writing center events

Creative Writing Group

If you enjoy creative writing, then the University Writing Center’s Creative Writing Group may be just the place for you. In this group, we will work together to explore creative writing in a safe, open, and encouraging environment. During meetings, we will write, investigate issues of craft, read and respond to each other's work, and have fun. Any member of the UofL community is welcome – undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff.  We welcome any genre of writing and any level of creative writing experience—all you need is an interest in creative writing! 

Spring 2025

The Creative Writing Group will meet in the University Writing Center from 5-6 pm on the following Thursdays:

- January 30

- February 20

- March 20

- April 10

Coalition of Advanced Creative Writers! (CAW!)

Are you a creative writer looking for a feedback group? Are you serious about your craft and hoping for publication? If so, this group might be right for you! At each meeting, we read work from members in order of submission, and then we discuss the work on a craft level. We meet every second and fourth Thursday in the Writing Center in Ekstrom Library from 5:00pm to 6:00pm. Email for more information. 

Spring 2025

-January 23

-February 13

-February 27

-March 27

-April 10

-April 24