Research at the University Writing Center

University Writing Center Research

The University Writing Center is an active research site on Writing Center theory and practice. Below is a list of research and publication that has taken place at the University Writing Center. In addition to publications, our staff regularly present at national and international conferences and are committed to being part of ongoing scholarly conversations about the teaching of writing.



English, English A. (2024). Hospitality in the Writing Center: A Conceptual Framework for Tutors. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 1-18.


Adepoju, Olalekan T.  (In Press) "Discursive Practices in Recurring Asynchronous Writing Center Consultations" Writing Center Journal.

Williams, Bronwyn T. "Writing Centers, Enclaves, and Creating Spaces of Change Within Universities," Writing Center Journal: Vol. 40 : 3,:2. (2022) 7-20.

Williams, Bronwyn T.  "Making Sense of How Things Feel: Attending to the Emotional Experiences in Writing Programs. in Sensemaking for Writing Programs and Writing Centers. Rita Malenczyk, Ed. Utah State University Press. (2023). 85-106.


Williams, Bronwyn T. "Writing Center Consultations as Emotional Experiences: How Different Learning Experiences Shape Student Perceptions of Agency." In Pedagogical Perspectives on Cognition and Writing. J. Michael Rifenburg, Patricia Portanova, and Duane Roen, Eds. Parlor Press. (2021) 303-322.


Adepoju, Olalekan. “Rethinking Tutor-Writer Engagement in Asynchronous Consultations: A Conversational Approach to Recurring Witten Feedback Appointments” The Dangling Modifier. (2020) Fall.


Nichols, Amy McCleese and Bronwyn T. Williams. "Centering Partnerships: A Case for Writing Centers as Sites of Community Engagement," Community Literacy. (2019) 13.2. 88-106.

Bender Smith, Ashly, Tika Lamsal, Adam Robinson, and Bronwyn T. Williams. "Find Something You Can Believe In": The Effect of Dissertation Writing Retreats on Graduate Students' Identities as Writers." in Re/Writing the Center: Approaches to Supporting Graduate Students in the Writing Center. Susan Lawrence and Terry Myers Zawacki, Eds. Logan: UT: Utah State University Press. 204-222. (2019). 204-222.

Gordon, Layne Porta. “Genre Theory.” Theories and Methods of Writing Center Studies: A Practical Guide, edited by Jo Mackiewicz and Rebecca Babcock. Routledge, 2019.


Book, Cassandra. "Is This Your First Visit?: User-Experience and Writing Centers' Online Presence. Southern Discourse in the Center. Vol. 22. Issue 2. (2018).

Williams, Bronwyn T. Literacy Practices and Perceptions of Agency: Composing Identities. London: Routledge. (2018).


Brydon-Miller, Mary; Gayá, Patricia; Noone, Paul; Willatt, Alice; Book, Cassandra; Cohen, Stephen; Nichols, Amy; Tetrault, Laura; Williams, Bronwyn. "Pass the Parcel: The Ever Expanding Impact of Critical Utopian Action Research." In: Gleerup, Janne; Egmose, Jonas; Hansen, Hans Peter; Clausen, Laura Tolnov: Change and Knowledge.Science for People and With People. Department for People and Technology. Roskilde University (2017). Roskilde. pp 9-20 


Book, Cassandra and Maureen McCoy “Tutor Observations as a Tool for Creating a Supportive and Productive Tutoring Environment” in Communicating Advice: Peer Tutoring and Communication Practice. Wendy Atkins-Sayre and Eunkyong L. Yook, Eds. New York: Peter Lang. 301-306. (2015).


Gordon, Layne M.P. “Beyond Generalist vs. Specialist: Making Connections between Genre Theory and Writing Center Pedagogy.” Praxis 11.2 (2014): n.p.


Olson, Barrie E. “Learning to Appreciate the Faculty Consultation.” Writing Lab Newsletter 37.1-2 (2012): 14-15.


Rosner, Mary, and Regan Wann. “Talking Heads and Other Body Parts: Documenting Writing Center Interactions.” Writing Lab Newsletter 34.6 (2010): 7-11.


Neaderhiser, Stephen, and Joanna Wolfe. “Between Technological Endorsement and Resistance: The State of Online Writing Centers.” Writing Center Journal 29.1 (2009): 49-77.


Griffin, Jo Ann. “Making Connections with Writing Centers.” Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers. Ed. Cynthia L. Selfe. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2007. 153-165.


Griffin, Jo Ann, Daniel Keller, Iswari P. Pandey, Anne-Marie Pedersen, and Carolyn Skinner. “Local Practices, National Consequences: Surveying and (Re)Constructing Writing Center Identities.” Writing Center Journal, 26.2 (2006): 3-21.


Ervin, Christopher. “The Writing Centers Research Project Survey Results, Academic Year 2000-2001.” Writing Lab Newsletter 27.1 (2002): 1-4.



Adepoju, Olalekan. "Difference in/at the Center: A Transnational Approach for Mobilizing International Multilingual Graduate Writers' Writing Assets During Writing Instruction." Diss. University of Louisville. 2023


English, Edward. "Imagination in Practice: Writing Studies and the Application of Hospitality." Diss. University of Louisville. 2021

Newman, Jessica. "The Space Between: Listening Within Difference in Writing Center Consultations." Diss. University of Louisville. 2021.


Book, Cassandra. "Students at a Crossroads: TA Development Across Pedagogical and Curricular Contexts." Diss. Old Dominion University. 2020


Block, Rebecca. “Reading Aloud in the Writing Center: A Comparative Analysis of Three Tutoring Methods.” Diss. University of Louisville, 2010.

Egnew Smith, Allison. “Writing in/on the Borderlands: (Basic) Writers and the Writing Center.” Diss. University of Louisville, 2010.


Brown, Kate. “Breaking into the Tutor’s Mailbox: An Investigation into Strategies Used in Writing Center Tutorials.” Diss. University of Louisville, 2008.

Griffin, Jo Ann. “Distance Learning Technologies and Writing Center Conferences: A Comparative Analysis of Three Methods for Delivering Consultations at a Distance.” Diss. University of Louisville, 2008.


Smitherman, Carrie. “Oral Histories of the National Writing Centers Association: A Look at Group  Dynamics.” Diss. University of Louisville, 2007.

M.A. Theses and Culminating Projects


Harmeling, Kendyl. "Circumventing Self-Destruction: A Study on Imposter Syndrome, Affect Dissonance,and the Power of Hospitality in a First-Year Graduate Program." Culminating Project. 2021.


Soule, Elizabeth. "The Infrastructure for Student Success: The University Writing Center and Student Services. Culminating Project. 2020.


Dugan, Nicole.“Writing the Self: First-Generation Students, Personal Statements and Textual Authority.” Culminating Project. 2019

Hall, Taryn. "Gendered Microagressions and Navigation of Consultant Authority in Writing Center Sessions. Culminating Project. 2019


Coles, Carrie. "Encouraging Atmospheres of Collaboration:A Study of the University of Louisville and Lindsey Wilson College Writing Centers. Culminating Project. 2018.


Wasson, Alex. "The Writing Center Pitch: Investigating the Institutional Dynamics of the In-Class Informational Presentation." Culminating Project. 2017.


Babcock, Deanna. “From Center to Classroom: How Writing Center Pedagogy Shapes First Year Teachers.” Culminating Project. University of Louisville, 2016.

Douglas, Mariah. “An Examination of Three Strategies for Addressing Student Concerns about Grades and Authority Figures during Writing Center Consultations.” Culminating Project. University of Louisville, 2016.

Gathof, Taylor. “Inclusivity in the Writing Center: (Re)Examining the Role of Foundational Writing-Center Scholarship.” Culminating Project. University of Louisville, 2016.


Johnson, Carly. “Community College Writing Centers: Exploring Practices and Ideas for the Future.” Culminating Project. University of Louisville, 2015.


Boyett, Megen. “‘Learn Me the Best Way’: Benefits and Challenges of Working with ELL Students in the Virtual Writing Center.” Culminating Project. University of Louisville, 2014.


Hallman, Rebecca: "'It's not what you say its how you form it': Investigating Commenting Formats and Content in FYC and Virtual Writing Center Responses." Thesis. University of Louisville, 2012.


Bone Wiser, Melissa. "Gendered Gestures: Nonverbal Communication and Gender in the Writing Center." Thesis. University of Louisville, 2010.


Cigelske, Azor: "An Addendum to Tutor Training: Negotiating Reading Out Loud in Writing Center Sessions.” Thesis. University of Louisville, 2007.


Ragland, Nathan: “Writing Center Tutorials and Sex Differences in Nonverbal Communication." Thesis.  University of Louisville, 2005.