Call for gender equity/professional development award, nominations and application
Nominations and applications for The Mary K. Tachau Gender Equity Award and the M. Celeste Nichols Professional Development Award are being accepted through Oct. 9. The equity award goes to a member of the UofL community whose work has directly furthered women's equality and gender equity. The Nichols Award goes to a UofL graduate or professional school student to support academic and professional enrichment beyond normal program expenses. Deadlines: October 8.
Additional information: Nominations and applications available for both on the Women's Center website. Submit nominations for the Tachau Gender Award to Georgette Moore (Commissions Office), Inquiries: email Michelle M. Kosiewicz. Submit applications for the Nichols Award to Phyllis M. Webb or drop off at the Women's Center (#4 Administrative Annex Bldg., Belknap Campus).