Office of Research and Innovation
University of Louisville
Louisville, Ky. 40202
502.852.6512, 502.852.2594 (Fax)
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This Licensing Income Distribution Procedure details the distribution of the ULRF portion of Licensing Income under Section 8a of the Intellectual Property Policy. Of the royalties and other income arising from the licensing of Intellectual Property, the University of Louisville Research Foundation (ULRF) may deduct Intellectual Property protection and licensing expenses incurred for that Intellectual Property (Total Net Proceeds). Total Net Proceeds will be distributed as follows:
The distribution of the ULRF portion of Total Net Proceeds will be determined as follows. Each Creator will be responsible for reporting School, approved Center (or approved Institute whichever is applicable), Department and/or Division affiliation along with the source of salary on the Research Disclosure Form (RDF) related to the licensed Intellectual Property. If the source of salary information for a Creator is not provided on the RDF, then the Commercialization EPI-Center staff will request the salary information from an administrative official who is knowledgeable of the Creator’s source of salary at the time of RDF submission. Accordingly, the ULRF portion will be distributed as follows:
For Creators (including students), who are not paid a salary, stipend, or the like by the University and its affiliates, their contribution to the Intellectual Property shall not factor into the distribution of the ULRF portion of Total Net Proceeds.