2024 Research Strategic Plan

The UofL Office of Research and Innovation leadership team would like to invite your feedback on UofL's Research Strategic Plan. This plan will guide UofL's trajectory as we look to the future and continue to redefine what it means to be a premier metropolitan research university. By harnessing the collective expertise and new and existing resources of our institution, we can create a better, more inclusive community for all. Under the guidance of this plan, the next five years will undoubtedly bring exciting new opportunities, and UofL is poised to lead the charge in shaping a brighter future for Metropolitan Louisville, Kentucky, and the world.

Your feedback on the plan is critical to helping it succeed. Please submit comments using this form by the end of the day on Wednesday, Sept. 25.


We want to offer special thanks to the many, many colleagues on campus who have helped develop this plan over the past year, including leaders from each academic unit. In addition, the plan is informed by a report from the Peterson Rudgers Group that resulted from the President's Planning and Strategic Workshop as well as input from the Faculty Senate.