Fuel Card FAQs
- Does WEX offer E-Receipts?
- How do I request reporting only access with WEX?
- What is my fuel pin# with WEX?
- How do I use the WEX fuel card?
- How do I request a new fuel card?
- How do I request a new fuel PIN#?
- How do I cancel a fuel card?
- A driver no longer needs to fuel vehicles (i.e. termination/resignation, transfer to another department, change in job responsibilities, etc.), how do I cancel their PIN#?
- What locations accept the WEX fuel card?
- The fuel card declined at the pump, what do I do?
- The fuel card is damaged, how do I request a new one?
- When will my new/replacement card arrive?
- What if a driver transfers to another department?
No, WEX does not offer E-Receipts.
2. How do I request reporting only access with WEX?
Send an email to the ProCard Office (procard@louisville.edu ) please include your name, email address and phone number. Once we have added you to the account, you will start to receive emailed monthly reports from WEX.
3. What is my fuel pin# with WEX?
If a driver had a fuel pin # with James River, it will be the last 4 digits of that PIN. Instructions on requesting new driver pin #’s can be found here.
4. How do I use the WEX fuel card?
Using the WEX card is easy!
- Swipe card
- Enter in odometer mileage
- Enter in personal 4 digit pin
- Pump away!
- Save your receipt
5. How do I request a new fuel card?
Vehicle coordinators should submit the fuel card request form to the ProCard Office. As a reminder, fuel cards are for university owned vehicles only. Card are assigned to vehicles, not individuals.
6. How do I request a new fuel PIN#?
Vehicle coordinators should submit the Driver PIN order form to the ProCard Office.
7. How do I cancel a fuel card?
Vehicle coordinators should destroy the card and submit the fuel card certificate of destruction form to the ProCard Office. As a reminder, fuel cards should be destroyed and a form completed when vehicles are sold or surplused.
8. A driver no longer needs to fuel vehicles (i.e. termination/resignation, transfer to another department, change in job responsibilities, etc.), how do I cancel their PIN#?
The vehicle coordinator should submit the Driver PIN form and indicate that the PIN needs to be deleted on the form.
9. What locations accept the WEX fuel card?
WEX is accepted at 95% of fueling locations across the US. You may visit the WEX Fleet Card Locations site and enter in the city/state to find fueling locations.
10. The fuel card declined at the pump, what do I do?
You may call the ProCard Office during our normal office hours 8:30am - 4:30pm, M-F (502) 852-9058, for assistance with the decline reasoning. Or call WEX (800) 492-0669, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
11. The fuel card is damaged, how do I request a new one?
Please contact the ProCard Office (procard@louisville.edu) for assistance with getting the fuel card replaced.
12. When will my new/replacement card arrive?
It can take 7-10 business days for new/replacement cards to arrive. The ProCard Office will contact the vehicle coordinator when the card arrives for pickup.
13. What if a driver transfers to another department?
If a driver transfers to a new department and no longer needs to utilize their fuel PIN, the vehicle coordinator should submit the fuel card certificate of destruction form to the ProCard Office.
If a driver transfers to a new department and needs to utilize their fuel PIN, the vehicle coordinator should provide us with the new department number and speedtype for the driver so the new information is updated on the WEX site.