Awards & Assistantships


To apply for any of these awards, complete the application for graduate school, submit it by the February 15 deadline, and include a request for consideration for applicable awards and a statement of purpose with your cover letter. An assistantship and a service award may not be held at the same time. For details on music history assistantships for graduate students, please contact Professor Jerry Tolson, Music History, School of Music, The University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 (

Graduate Assistantships in Music History

For graduate students enrolled in the MM degree program as Music History majors and carrying a full load of nine hours of course work in music per semester.

  • Award: Tuition remission
  • Stipend of $6,000 per year
  • Health Insurance Benefits
  • Renewable for a second year if performance satisfactory in first year

Duties: Observation, clerical work, tutoring, grading (no more than 10 hours per week), occasional supervised teaching of undergraduate music history classes.

Qualifications: BM degree and a good command of the English language; successful work in music history courses at the undergraduate level.

Application: Graduate School application form with letter of application to the Music History Division stating objectives and goals and requesting consideration for the assistantship, two letters of recommendation, official undergraduate transcripts, official report of scores from the Graduate Record Examination, examples of formal writing (papers written for undergraduate music classes) and a personal interview.

Herz Award in Music History

  • Award: Variable
  • Qualifications: BM degree and enrollment in MM degree program as a Music History major.
  • Duties: As assigned

Service Awards in Music History

  • Award: Tuition remission
  • Duties: Approximately 10 hours per week, as assigned
  • Qualifications: BM degree

Ensemble Performance Scholarships

  • Award: Variable, based on quality of ensemble audition
  • Duties: Participation in a School of Music ensemble
  • Qualifications: BM degree, audition

Kentucky Indiana Reciprocal Tuition

Residents of southern counties in Indiana may be eligible to participate in the program that provides tuition remission for out-of-state tuition for study at the University of Louisville. Please check with the School of Music office about this possibility.