French Major

French (BA)

This program was approved for students entering the university in the Summer 2024–Spring 2025 catalog year. For more information about catalog year, go to Catalog Year Information.

Bachelor of Arts in French
Unit: College of Arts and Sciences (AS)
Department: Classical and Modern Languages
Academic Plan Code(s): FRENBA

Program Information

French is a language spoken on five continents and in over 50 countries of the world where it is used regularly in government, business, and, of course, in everyday life.

The French program at UofL offers a wide range of classes from beginning French to courses in literature, culture, media, linguistics, translation, and film. 

Completion of this degree requires work to be submitted for the department’s Learning Outcomes Measurement. For details, contact the department.

Degree Summary

General Education Requirements 131
College/School Requirements22
Program/Major Requirements 131
Supporting Courses37
Minimum Total Hours121

Some credit hours from the General Education Requirements may be satisfied by courses defined by the program, in which case additional electives will be required to complete the minimum hours for the degree. See the Degree Requirements tab for specific coursework.

Specific coursework information can be found on the Degree Requirements tab.