
Chinese is the most spoken language in the world -- spoken in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, Flushing, New York, and many other places.

The Chinese Minor program at the University of Louisville provides learners of Mandarin Chinese with a standards-based, topically organized curriculum. Taught by specialist faculty of Chinese and Chinese culture from Classical and Modern Languages, this program promotes effective communication in Chinese, understanding of the Chinese civilization, and appreciation of the global cultural diversity.

Through full-fledged coursework from elementary to advanced levels, extra-curricular activities, and a summer study-in-China program, this program compliments majors such as Business, Political Science, Asian Studies, Humanities, Geography, Language, or History. Working with US governmental scholarships programs and institutes/organizations at home and in China, this program opens scholarship or job opportunities.

Professors and students of Chinese language on a study abroad trip in 2018.

Professors and students of Chinese language on a study abroad trip in 2018.