UofL Training Resources
Workday @UofL Training Resources
Learn with flexible formats to meet your needs. Our videos and reference guides follow all of the main categories within WorkdayHR, or you can search with keywords for the topic of your choice. Each link will open in a new tab for access within Microsoft SharePoint for videos or (downloadable) PDFs. Employees should begin with following the Day 1 Checklist PDF to verify personal data.
Quick Reference Guides
Day One Checklist
This is the required Day One activities list for all UofL employees to ensure the validity of the personal and payroll data within the new system.
Add Name Pronunciation to Your Workday Profile
Share how to pronounce your name with others in your Workday profile.
Add Pronouns and Gender Identity to Your Workday Profile
Users may share their preferred pronouns with others in Workday and may change their gender identity in their personal information, if desired.
Adding Approvers for Ad Hoc Compensation Changes
How to include additional approvers in a workflow, especially during a compensation change. How to add additional approvers to the standard workflow and/or the approval workflow.
Change Benefits - Life Event
Directions to select benefits in the event of a life event. Employees have 30 days from the date of the event to change benefits due to a life event.
Change Business Titles
Change a title for an employee to be more description of the work for which they are responsible.
Change My Personal Information
Change your personal information in Workday, such as your pronouns, gender, or marital status.
Delegation - Act on behalf of
Delegations for temporary situations (e.g initiator is on an extended PTO) with details about who has delegated tasks to you and which tasks they delegated.
Enter, Submit, and Correct Time Off via a Time Sheet
Enter, submit, or correct time off on your time sheet.
HCM Workday Security Roles
Descriptions of departmental security roles for academic units and supervisory organization.
Update Workday Notifications
Set the frequency of receiving Workday notifications to your email and mobile application.
Request Time Off via Absence Calendar
Absence-eligible employees may initiate a Time Off request via the Absence Calendar in Workday.
Request a Workday Security Role Change
This process may be used to request an addition or removal of a security role in Workday.
Set Up Delegation
Delegations for temporary situations: How to delegate to someone to review and approve tasks on your behalf and how to have someone start processes on your behalf for a select few tasks and processes.
Update Federal, State, and Local Withholding Elections
Make changes to your tax withholding elections for upcoming paychecks.
Update and View Emergency Contacts
In case of an emergency, keep your emergency contacts up-to-date in case the University needs to make contact.
Change Organization Assignments
Organization assignments are set up on each supervisory organization. When an employee is hired into that supervisory organization, they automatically become members of other types of organizations, such as costing, and these organizations are used for reporting and payroll. These assignments can be changed for individual employees to differ from their supervisory organization defaults.
Close Evergreen Requisitions
Steps for departments and central HR to close an existing evergreen requisition permanently when they are no longer needed, no longer recruiting, or opened in error. This is different from freezing a job requisition for a period.
Close Job Requisition
Steps for departments and central HR to close an existing job requisition permanently when they are no longer needed, no longer recruiting, or opened in error.
Complete Form I-9
New employees will complete the I-9 form in Workday as part of the onboarding process.
Correct Time Off via the Absence Calendar
Correct existing approved time off requests through the absence calendar in Workday.
Correct Time Off request on behalf of an employee
Correct an absence-eligible employee’s time off request via the Absence Calendar in Workday.
Costing Allocations (Funding Sources) for Different Earnings
Costing allocations are used to distribute a worker’s salary expenses (actual and future payroll) to appropriate cost centers (budgets).
Create a Job Requisition - Quick Reference
Create a job requisition when recruiting is required for a new or existing position.
Disciplinary Actions
Initiating a disciplinary action for an employee is required for the documentation of incidents of policy violation and pre-termination meetings.
Enter Time on behalf of an Employee
Enter and submit time for a non exempt, hourly employee on their time sheet.
How do we pay people?
This guide defines the Compensation components configured in Workday and illustrates how these components are used to properly pay workers.
Temporary Fixed Term Job Change
This quick reference guide walks through how to extend an employee's employment.
Job Change - Update Location and Workspace
Use this guide to update an employee's campus location and/or room and building workspace.
Key Reports by Functional Area or Role
A list of important reports, filterable by security role and functional area, with suggested run frequencies.
Payment Election Enrollment - Direct Deposit
Update into which bank account or accounts your pay is deposited.
Performance Improvement Plan
Managers can initiate a performance or attendance improvement plan for an employee in Workday.
Enter time off on behalf of an employee via the Absence Calendar
Enter a time off for an employee on the absence calendar.
Update Beneficiary Information
Update the personal and contact information of your beneficiaries without adjusting the beneficiary elections.
Add Academic Appointment
Academic Appointments are used to track a faculty member’s academic rank (Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor) and track type (tenured, tenure track, or term) in an academic unit at the University of Louisville. Adding an academic appointment may be completed ad hoc or as part of the overall Hire or Change Job process. When part of a change job process, initiators may receive a To Do action item in their Workday inbox to add or change an appointment.
Compensation Crosswalk
What do you use in Workday for non-base pay compensation based on the PeopleSoftHR process?
Workday Navigation - Applications and Shortcuts
Workday's global navigation menu gives you quick access to personalize your experience in Workday.
Onboarding Setup
Introduce and welcome new hires to the university and point them to people to meet and helpful contacts as they make their transition into their job.
Period Activity Pay
Period activity pay takes a total compensation amount and distributes it equally based on the start and end dates entered.
Reading Your Paycheck/Payslip
Employees will use Workday to access and review their paycheck/payslips starting in January 2023.
Request Compensation Change - Allowance Plans
Allowance plans are used for ongoing pay, such as a mobile allowance or leadership duties.
Request One-Time Payment
One-time payments are used for ad hoc payments in addition to a worker’s base pay.
Termination - Involuntary
An involuntary termination occurs when a unit identifies the need to end the relationship with an employee, or a fixed term contract is ending.
Termination - Voluntary
A voluntary termination occurs when an employee notifies the University of their intent to leave their position.
Update Dependent Information
Employees can add or edit their dependents outside of a benefit change event to change details such as address, relationship type, or legal name.
Request Compensation Change - Salary/Hourly Changes
Request a compensation change outside of a hire or job change.
Business Process and Task Management
Learn the actions available to you on business processes and tasks, what they do, and how to track and manage in-flight transactions.
Change Benefits - Newly Eligible Employee
Directions to select benefits as a newly eligible employee.
Inbox Filters
Learn how to filter your Workday Inbox to only display action items and to dos that are relevant to the criteria that you set.
Request leave on behalf of an Employee
Initiate a Leave of Absence request on behalf of an employee in Workday.
Using Your Workday Inbox
The Workday Inbox displays tasks, approvals, due dates, and other items related to business processes in Workday.
Academic Action: Adding an Additional job for Faculty
This QRG describes the process for adding additional jobs in Workday. Use this guide when adding an additional job for a current faculty member. Examples include endowed chair, department chair, associate dean, division chief, or program director.
Employee Types
Use this guide when determining what employment type to use for your worker and job profile.
End Academic Appointment
Academic Appointments are used to track a faculty member’s academic rank (Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor) and track type (tenured, tenure track, or term) in an academic unit at the University of Louisville. Ending an academic appointment may be completed ad hoc or as part of the termination process.
End Additional Job
The End Additional Job process is used when a worker with more than one position leaves one, but not all, of their current positions
End Contingent Worker Contract
End a contract of departing workers who no longer need access to university systems.
Hire Student
Students are hired manually into Workday as they do not go through the job requisition and candidate management process.
Request Leave of Absence
Employees can request a Leave of Absence in Workday. Leave of absence requests must be approved before they are taken. Refer to the related Leave policy on the Benefits page to view required steps and paperwork that must be approved before entering a leave of absence.
Request Return from Leave of Absence
Employees can enter their return to work as their leave of absence is ending in Workday.
Request Return from Leave on behalf of an Employee
Plan for the return to work as an employee's leave of absence is ending.
Switch Primary Job
This process changes the primary job and often accompanies the Add Additional Job or End Additional Job process.
Update Academic Appointment
Academic Appointments are used to track a faculty member’s academic rank and track type.
Use Workday's Org Chart to Maintain Outside Org Charts
Workday provides direct access to team structures and organization charts from the Worker Profile and supervisory organization details page.
Development Plans
Development plans help employees guide and give structure to their professional growth.
Internal Career Applications
Employees will use the internal Find Jobs report which streamlines the application process within Workday when applying for a new job with the University of Louisville. Internal employees should NOT use the external career site to apply.
Manage Talent/Career Profile
Users can manage or update their talent and career profiles to reflect their work history, education, and more.
Navigating Recruiter Hub
Primary Recruiters can navigate the recruiter hub to access candidate information, view outstanding tasks, and manage multiple candidates more effectively.
All new employees have a series of tasks they must complete in Workday shortly after their start date.
Recruiting Dashboard
Hiring Managers can access this dashboard to view job requisitions, the candidate pipeline, and underutilization audit reports.
Reviewing a Candidate
Search committee members can access Workday to review limited candidate and job requisition data.
Costing Allocations
Costing allocations are used to distribute a worker’s salary expenses (actual and future payroll) to appropriate cost centers (budgets).
Give Feedback
Employees can give feedback, anytime or if requested, to other employees using Workday.
Day 1 in Workday for All Employees
A checklist of items that all employees should complete to review their data and update their profiles when Workday is first available in January 2023.
Day 1 in Workday for Managers
A checklist of items that all managers should complete to review their team's data when Workday is first available in January 2023.
Day 1 Workday Checklist for Costing and Budget Managers
Costing Managers and Budget Managers should complete activities in this checklist on their first day in Workday.
Day 1 Workday Checklist for HR Roles
Individuals with HR Roles should complete activities in this checklist on their first day in Workday.
Security Role Training Map - Employees
A list of all published Workday training materials available for employees.
Security Role Training Map - Managers
A list of all published Workday training materials available for Managers.
Security Role Training Map - Costing Manager
A list of all published Workday training materials available for Costing Managers.
Security Role Training Map - Budget Manager
A list of all published Workday training materials available for Budget Managers.
Security Role Training Map - HR Roles
A list of all published Workday training materials available for HR Initiators, HR Partners, and Academic HR Partners.
Security Role Training Map - Timekeeper
A list of all published Workday training materials available for Timekeepers.
Creating Mentorships
A Mentor is anyone outside of a Mentoring for Success or Onboarding Navigator mentor that helps support career growth and development. HR initiators can create mentorships for employees in Workday.
Edit Position Restrictions
Use this guide to edit the details of an employees’ position (filled or unfilled).
Employment Agreement
Extend offer of employment to the most qualified candidate for review and e-signature. This is a sub-process of the recruit to hire process.
Team Absence Calendar
Managers have a clear view of their team’s absence history, upcoming time off, and various time off balances.
Is it a Job Change?
Use this guide to determine what process or template to use to change a worker's job or its attributes.
Approving a Job Change
As part of the Change Job process, Change Job Approvers or Receiving Managers are required to approve a job change process for an employee to complete the action.
Manage Probation Period
As part of the hiring process, HR Specialists are required to manage probation periods for new or transferring employees.
Manage Search Committees and Membership
The Primary Recruiter will create Search Committees and manage committee membership in Workday to allow Committee members to review candidates during the recruitment of a job requisition.
Managing My Mentorships
Employees can view their mentorship relationships and update their mentorship preferences using Workday through My Mentorship Report.
Request and Review Feedback
Employees can request anytime feedback from other employees or managers and review feedback using Workday.
Service Date Change
Adjust various service dates of employees to track or determine eligibility to benefits and retirement.
Start Probation Performance Review or Disciplinary Action
Managers will complete a performance review or disciplinary action at the end of the probation period.
View Worker History
Worker History shows all transactions taken on an employee. This is where you can identify transactions you have started or have been started by others.
Create a Job Requisition - Job Aid
Create a job requisition when recruiting is required for a new or existing position.
Create an Evergreen Job Requisition
Evergreen job requisitions allow us to continually source and track candidates, so we can fill seasonal, high-volume, or hard-to-fill positions or jobs.
Job Change - Phased Retirement FTE Change
Phased Retirement is a type of job change used for Tenured or Term Faculty that meet the phased retirement policy requirements.
Recruit to Hire
This is a high-level overview of the recruit to hire process for unfilled positions within Workday.
Job Change - Position Review
A position review occurs when attributes of a job profile change. This could include changes in compensation range, job description, worker type, and more.
View Time Off Results by Period for Worker
Use these instructions to view an employee's time off balance for the current period.
View Time Off Results by Period as an Employee
Use these instructions to view your time off balance for the current period.
Unpaid Leaves of Absence and Time Off
Conceptual guide about paying an employee's base compensation while on an unpaid leave of absence.
Contract Contingent Worker
Contingent Workers are individuals who are not directly paid by UofL but need access to our systems. This process allows UofL to track costs for and report on these workers.
Additional Academic Leadership Duties
How to hire an academic worker with additional leadership duties such as a chair or dean.
Schedule a Report
Users with access to a report can elect to schedule a report to be run immediately, at a specific time, or on an ongoing basis.
Timekeeper Weekly Reviews
This QRG covers the steps associated with running reports during the Timekeeper Review Date.
Retire an Employee
This QRG covers the steps associated with retiring an employee, phasing retirement, and pending retiree leave.
Manage Part-Time Lecturers
This guide documents the cycle to hire, pay, inactivate, reactivate, and terminate Part-Time Lecturers (PTLs). It also addresses how to manage period activity pay if the lecturer has multiple appointments in multiple units.
Timekeepeer Weekly Reviews - Monthly Employees
This QRG documents the process for timekeepers to manage monthly employees.
Request a Workday Security Change for Supervisory Organization(s)
Roles in Workday determine a user’s security and therefore who they may support and what they can view and do within the system.
Request a Security Change for Central Office Staff
Roles in Workday determine a user’s security and therefore who they may support and what they can viewand do within the system.
Request a Security Change for Costing Manager
Roles in Workday determine a user’s security and therefore who they may support and what they can view and do within the system.
Request a Security Change for Academic Units
Roles in Workday determine a user’s security and therefore who they may support and what they can view and do within the system.
Academic Action - Promotion and Tenure
This QRG documents the process of faculty members being promoted from one rank to the next, with or without an increase in compensation.
House Staff Stipend Appointment Process
This QRG documents the process of House Staff Non-Step for salaried employees or House Staff Stipend for employees who will be paid by period activity pay.
Change Benefits for a Life Event (QLE)
This quick reference guide provides directions to select benefits in the event of a life event. Employees have 30 days from the date of the event to change benefits due to a life event.
Earning Academic Promotions
Describes the process for entering faculty promotions. Use this QRG for any promotion task, when promoting faculty from one rank to the next, regardless of tenure status.
Academic Appt Change Term to Tenure Track
Initiate this process for faculty members who move from a Term faculty to Tenured or Tenure Track. Use this process to make adjustments to the academic appointment, after the change job process is complete.
Move Worker with Start Job Change
To update a worker’s reporting assignment (move worker to a new Sup Org), supervisors can use the Start Job Change task.
Faculty Phased Retirement
Describes the process for putting Faculty on phased retirement. For when a faculty member has requested and been approved for phased retirement.
Faculty Sabbatical Leave
Describes the process for placing a faculty member on leave for the purpose of sabbatical. For requesting leave for faculty who have been approved for a sabbatical leave of one semester with full pay, or a full year with half pay.
Faculty Term to Tenure Track Academic Appt Change
Initiate this process for faculty members who have been moved from a Term faculty job to Tenured or Tenure Track. Used to make adjustments to the academic appointment, after the job change process is complete.
External Search Committee Login and Candidate Review
External search committee members can access Workday to review limited candidate and job requisition data
30-60-90 Performance Improvement Plan
Managers can initiate a performance or attendance improvement plan for an employee in Workday.
Post Doc Appointment
This QRG documents the hire process to create and hire an employee into a Postdoctoral Fellow position.
Faculty – Extend End Date (Reappointment)
This QRG describes the process for extending the end date for a Term faculty member. Use this guide when you are ready to process an academic reappointment for a Term faculty.