REACH Gen 105 Supplemental College Reading
Mark joined the CLC during the Fall 2009 semester. He took on a project begun by Cathy Leist. This project focuses on developing and using a new critical thinking rubric in the new General Studies 105 (GEN 105) Supplemental College Reading courses.
In his own words:
As the Program Coordinator for GEN 105, I am working with GEN 105 instructors to implement a critical thinking rubric that employs the Paul-Elder framework of critical thinking. The rubric integrates both the Standards and Elements to help students understand what they are reading and how they are writing. The rubric measures accuracy, clarity, precision, depth, relevance, and logic. These are all Standards and Elements that we felt were important for a student to demonstrate in order to become a critical reader. These concepts fit well with some of our tried and true reading comprehension strategies. Students enrolled in GEN 105 will leave the course not only a better reader, but also a better critical thinker, because we are infusing both developmental skills throughout the semester.
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