To review a chronological list of CUE developments, view our CUE Timeline [PDF] which breaks down the development process into four phases.
The culminating undergraduate experience is intended to have both the flexibility to be applicable across programs and disciplines and the rigor to spur enhancements in curriculum and student learning.
Ideally, the culminating undergraduate experience will be preceded by a coherent program of study in which students have opportunities to develop discipline-specific knowledge and critical thinking skills and to apply their emerging skills to solve practical problems of increasing complexity. Flexibility in the design of culminating undergraduate experiences will allow for disciplinary and interdisciplinary work that is meaningful to faculty and students.
In 2009, the CUE subcommittee and the i2a Task Group developed a working draft of the “Defining Features” of a CUE and relevant rubric and assessment tools. A group of cross-disciplinary faculty piloted these tools during the 2009-2010 academic year. This document was finalized in Fall 2010. In 2010-2011, a second group of faculty piloted the tools and helped plan out the usage, implementation, and tools needed to support the implementation of CUEs in the programs. The resulting document is the CUE Curricular Toolkit.
UofL Faculty and Staff [PDF] have been involved with the CUE development process through faculty learning communities, the SUN Grant program, Research and Design workgroup, the CUE subcommittee, and other i2a subcommittees.

The 2009-2010 Faculty Learning Community on CUEs