SW 426: Introduction to Social Work Research

Laneshia McCord, MSW

Annotated Portfolio

Laneshia McCord used her experience in the i2a PTF Cohort to help better prepare her Social Work students for their future careers. To do this, she chose to use the Classroom Assessment Technique titled Annotated Portfolio because it would "provide students with the best integration of self-reflection and self-evaluation and foster professional development".

This project has required me as an instructor to consider what students need to know and have in order to prepare for entering the workforce as social workers.

—Laneshia McCord

McCord assigned an evidence-based literature review on a social issue they were interested in. Students were required to follow a thorough process including searching for and appraising empirical articles and interventions addressing the social issue of their choosing. In writing the summaries and critiques, students used the Template for Analyzing the Logic of an Article, as found in the Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking [PDF]. Deliberately explaining the assignment as a process with several steps to completion, McCord expected to stimulate interest and engagement by emphasizing the final product could be used in professional practice or graduate study.

"Having to consider research literature, clients' needs, and professional competencies is the cornerstone of evidentiary practice," shared McCord. "All of these elements were introduced to the students through completing this activity."

Download a presentation about McCord's Project [PPTX].

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