Whether you are participating in a multicenter clinical trial or just obtaining drug, device, equipment, donation/loan of equipment, pilot money, or other third party resources, etc. UofL must have a contract completed with the respective company.  Thus Office of Industry Contracts (OIC, 852-8359) should be contacted via the TRIA to start negotiations.  Negotiating your contract may take longer than IRB approval, thus submit the TRIA as soon as possible. Submitting the TRIA is required as you will need your OIC tracking number, before you can make your submission to the IRB application if third-party resources are being supplied/loaned. All the information needed for the Multi Institutional Research Application is not required for the TRIA, thus do not postpone the submission of the TRIA to finalize the budget.  To make applications to the respective regulatory offices, OIC and HSPPO (IRB), please contact the IRB for a protocol number.  This makes tracking of your study easier.

The TRIA form can be found at: and directions on how to complete both the TRIA and MIRA at: .

Assistance with completing the TRIA can be obtained from your regulatory coordinator in your division/department or:

Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute: PCIR core,

Office of Clinical Research Services and Support (OCRSS,