
The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the respective study were developed to complete the study objectives utilizing the best data possible obtained in a human subject population. Thus your research patient populations are probably the best source for participants/subjects for your study and you might have the expertise of a clinical coordinator.  If you need assistance in recruitment, there are several options:

  1. The University has databases of individuals who have signed up for specific disease states; kidney disease registry, cancer registry, GI registry, etc. and you may obtain the requirements for accessing those participants through the respective department.
  2. The Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute has developed a participant registry.  Individuals from the community/clinic can designate their interest in clinical trials/research in a specific area/chronic disease.  For information on individuals that have signed up for the participant registry, please contact Steve Mahanes at

The Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute with the University of Louisville has developed the Community Advisory Board to assist with the translation of research from bedside to the community, thus participation in clinical research.  If you would like to learn more about the Board or seek their assistance view their website at (CTSI: )or contact the HSCRO at 852-7794 or