Credentialing in the Hospitals *UofL Employees Only*

This information is for current University of Louisville employees.

If you are seeking credentialing verification for a previous UofL employee, you must contact UL Health at

You must be credentialed in the hospitals (ULH, Norton, and Jewish) in order to contact any patient as a potential research subject/participant, review any clinical data for research purposes, or chart review on hospital property. There are three levels of credentialing for all three hospitals:

Clinical Research through CAPS: Allows investigators the widest range of research protocol requirements, clinical procedures and administration of drug/device. This credentialing will apply to most clinical trial investigators. The process may take 6 months. Contact the medical department of the respective hospital and they will direct you to CAPS, .

Limited Patient Contact Credentialing (Level 1B): Allows coordinators, key personnel, research team, and investigators to consent subjects/participants, complete questionnaires, and minimally invasive research procedures, ie. BP. All the components of this level of credentialing are completed through UofL thus can be done much faster. Contact Allison Ratterman (Belknap campus, , or , 852-2454.

Level 1, chart review: Can only be used for chart review/review of data, can not contact patients. Please contact the respective hospital’s research groups for this type of credentialing.