健康资讯 - Health information



欢迎访问:路易斯维尔大学(UofL)护理学院的多元人群医疗保健信息网。路易斯维尔大学护理学院以提高其社区内多样居民的健康为使命,通过多途径和社区一起为居民们提供健康服务, 包括:

歡迎來到路易斯維爾大學護理學校贊助的網站-健康多采多姿color of health。這個網站主要是提供健康教育與資訊給母語不是英文的的人。除此之外你還可以在這個網站找到關於在路易斯維爾的生活資訊。



Welcome to the Color of Health website sponsored by the University of Louisville School of Nursing. This site is designed to provide health education and information to those whose primary language is not English. Additionally, you will find in these pages, links to resources that are relevant to those living in the Louisville Metro community.


As a citizen of the larger community, the emphasis of the School of Nursing is to address the complex health needs of diverse and dynamic populations through nursing education, research, scholarship and service. Through this site, we hope to increase access to healthcare information and resources in order to decrease many of the health risks for individuals and families.