Honors Living Learning Communities

The Honors LLC is designed to create purposeful links among academic, residential, and social components of the university experience. Members of the LLC live together in Kurz Hall and are invited to participate in a number of group activities and events throughout the year. This shared involvement provides the foundation for the student’s LLC experience. Living in the Honors LLC provides a number of unique academic and social benefits including academic advising, social events, community service opportunities, and several other special opportunities for faculty, staff, and student interactions.

Who can apply?

  • All entering Honors students for Fall 2024 may apply for the Honors LLC, located in Kurz Hall.

What are the member benefits?

  • Broad academic and social collaborations facilitate coursework and the transition to university study.
  • Strengthen relationships with faculty members and peers.
  • Individualized planning sessions with an Honors academic advisor.
  • Co-curricular and extracurricular programming.
  • Guaranteed living space in the Honors residence hall.
  • High level of academic engagement through Honors courses.
  • Numerous opportunities to connect with faculty and staff.

Honors LLC:

Entering Honors students who wish to live in Kurz Hall can choose to participate in the Honors LLC. This LLC does not require students to enroll in a specific set of linked courses. Students are able to choose which Honors courses they prefer to take and should plan to enroll in at least one Honors course during the 2024 - 2025 academic year. These courses will be selected in conjunction with an Honors advisor summer orientation. In addition, students in the Honors First-Year  LLC have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular programming throughout the year focused on community building and academic success. If you have any questions about this LLC, please contact luke.buckman@louisville.edu.


The Honors LLC is housed in Kurz Hall. 

For any additional questions related to Honors LLCs, please contact Luke Buckman at luke.buckman@louisville.edu.