New Program or New Project Request Form


Use this form to request a new program or project, any fields with a red dot are required, request will not be processed if any required fields are not completed. The Unit Budget Coordinator (HSC Unit Coordinators (PDF)) for your unit must review and submit all new program requests. When the form and worksheet are completed and submitted to the appropriate administrative office for approval, the new program or project number will be established in the financial system. All users listed in the notification section (last field listed) of this form will be notified of the newly assigned program or project number by the Controller's Office. They will also be notified by the appropriate office with an explanation if the request is not approved.

If you have questions about this form, please contact the office selected to receive the request.

Section 1: Accounting Information

University Program Budget (1XXXX), requests that a program budget be established. This type of program is characterized by limiting expenses to the total revenues recognized (actually received and recognized in a fiscal year).

Section 2: Program and Budget Information
When will this program close?  

Do you anticipate that your operation(s) will create tax issues such as Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT), state and local tax, or excise tax?  

If yes, contact our in the Controller's Office prior to beginning operations in order to ensure compliance. Additional information regarding UBIT issues.

Section 3: General Information
Section 4: Select Appropriate Recipient for this Request
Based on the following list, select the appropriate office to receive this request.  

Select the office to receive your request based on the type of program/project being requested. Contact the budget coordinator for your unit if you have questions concerning this selection.


Select Budget & Financial Planning for the following codes:
General Funds-Home Programs 0xxxx
Program Budgets 1xxxx
Other General Funds 3xxxx
Auxiliaries 4xxxx
Athletics Axxxx
Clinics Cxxxx
Hospitals Hxxxx
Academic Support Programs Pxxxx
Service Centers Sxxxx
UofL Foundation Uxxxx
UofL Research Foundation Zxxxx
Cardiovascular Institute Vxxxx
General Institutional Expense X0xxx
Metropolitan College Y0xxx
Projects Jxxxx


Select Office of Advancement Services for the following codes:
** For the establishment of an endowment or a restricted gift, send the charitable gift agreement, donor letter, or will to the Office of Advancement Services.
Endowments Exxxx
Gifts Gxxxx


Select Controller's Office for the following codes:
Research Incentive Grants 5xxxx
Residual Funds, Sponsored Funds Dxxxx
Facilities Enhancement Fxxxx
Agency Funds Y1xxx
Dental Faculty Practice Plans Y2xxx
Loan Programs Lxxxx
Research Scholars X3xxx
Faculty Start-up Funds F1xxx

Notification of New Program Number

The Office of Finance and Administration serves all eligible faculty, staff, and students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.

Budget & Financial Planning

Grawemeyer Hall
Rm LL14
Louisville, KY 40292

Phone: 502-852-6503
Houchens Building
Suite 101
Louisville, KY 40292

Phone: 502-852-6164
Service Complex
2nd Floor
Louisville, KY 40292
Accounts Payable & Travel

Service Complex
2nd Floor, Rm 212
Louisville, KY 40292
Payroll Services

Phone: 502-852-2978
Service Complex
2nd Floor, Rm 223
Louisville, KY 40292


Grawemeyer Hall
Louisville, KY 40292