Progress Toward 2010 Goals
- Annual cohort brochure detailing annual statistics reporting percentage of women and persons of color by unit (target: March for Women’s history month);
- Draft plan for mentoring (Developed by Mordean Taylor-Archer & Vicki Hines-Martin and will be shared with Beth Boehm and COSW for feedback) ;
- Complete a PeopleSoft customization to enable data collection for disaggregation and reporting of gender in search committees’ composition (completed);
- Train Supervisors and Administrators (UBM training is happening now);
- Monitor RIFS (VP HR is now approving every RIF);
- Review exit surveys (did meet but response rate was too low);
- Annual compensation Audit for Affirmative Action Purposes (completed by HR);
- Stopping of the Tenure Clock policy submitted (submitted to Great Places to Work December 2009);
- Take Human Resources Salary Administration Group recommendations to BOT (target: Feb or March BOT meeting);
- Gather data on barriers to women to becoming full professors (Held one dinner meeting in 2009 & lunch meeting with Provost scheduled 2/8/10);
- Monitor how women are portrayed in U of L publications by being on new formed editorial board (sent communications our representative) ;
- Conduct a updated campus survey on safety perception and experiences of violence (survey to go out next week);
- Conduct a campus climate survey of students, faculty and staff (students- Jan; Faculty & staff- March);
- Suggest an addition to the scorecard regarding campus climate issues (completed).
- Develop a Diversity Accountability Measure to monitor percentage of women in units and to track goals and timelines for meeting goals (developed by Mordean Taylor-Archer, currently being reviewed by Bob Goldstein).
Document Actions