Task Force Reports
UofL COSW Cohort Report
This interactive data dashboard is provided by the Office of Institutional Research and Planning and updated annually. It provides data on UofL employees by gender, race, and rank. Comparative data for benchmark institutions includes data on enrollment, female faculty, faculty in general, female staff, and staff in general.
Access, Opportunity, and Achievement Fifteen Years Later: A 2009 Update on the 1994 Report of the Task Force on the Status of Women
As an update to the 1994 report, the 2009 report followed the framework of the original by retaining the major categories: representation, recruitment, retention, campus environment, and integration of work and family life. COSW analyzed and reviewed each of the objectives and recommendations to ascertain whether progress has been made towards outcomes for the identified goals. Additionally, UofL policies, procedures, publications, and programs were reviewed. The Office of Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) provided updated data and summary of the original charts and graphs in the 1994 report. (101 pages, including 29 comparative figures and 4 tables.)
Meeting the 21st Century: Access, Opportunity and Achievement. Report of the Task Force on the Status of Women. 1994.
In 1993, the President of the University of Louisville created a Task Force to assess the status of women at the University and to make recommendations, based on their findings, to improve this status. The Task Force reviewed 1) the representation of women in the University's administration, faculty, and staff including full-time and part-time positions, the distribution of women in various ranks, their distribution among schools and colleges, their rates of advancement and promotion to tenure, and their concentration in certain ranks and categories; 2) the recruitment, hiring, retention, and promotion of women, including employment policies and practices, internal job mobility, reclassification, transfers, performance evaluation, obstacles to advancements, and promotional opportunities available to women; 3) the compensation of women, including an analysis of salaries and wages, benefits, and possible institutional gender-based inequities in compensation; and 4) the institutional climate and work environment for women, including sexual harassment, professional development, possible differential treatment based on gender, leadership opportunities, institutional awareness of women's special problems, recognition of women's achievements, mentoring, and sexism in the workplace.
The Task Force recommended specific actions to be taken based on their findings.
COSW Committe Reports
Staff Salary Analysis (2014-2017)
Prepared by the COSW Representation, Recruitment, and Retention Committee for a presentation to the COSW Membership on November 30, 2018. The Analysis consists of several graphs examining pay gap and job concentration for women staff members. The analysis concludes with a letter from the COSW Chair to UofL administration providing several recommendations. (10 pages)