Fall ABI Events Commemorating the Anniversaries of 1924 and 1954

Fall ABI Events Commemorating the Anniversaries of 1924 and 1954

Seventy years ago, in 1954, began the sensationalized housing desegregation case in Louisville that resulted in the dynamiting of Charlotte and Andrew Wade’s home and Anne and her husband Carl arrested for sedition. This July, we also celebrated 100 years since local anti-racist journalist and organizer Anne Braden’s birth. The ABI will host events to commemorate these anniversaries throughout October and November. These events will be hosted in collaboration with the Carl Braden Memorial Center.

October 3rd, 11am-1pm at Belknap Academic Building (BAB) Atrium

Black Freedom, White Allies, and Red Scare:

Reading Exhibit Commemorating the Wade Home Bombing & Braden Sedition Trial

October 2024 begins what will be 70 years since Carl and Anne’s arrest and the Braden-Wade sedition trial proceedings. To recollect and recall the important literature and documents used in the trial, ABI will host a read-in of primary sources of the trial, including Anne’s writings. This event is open to the public.


October 9 & 23 and November 13, 5:30-7pm, Anne Braden Institute, Ekstrom Library

The Wall Between Reading Groups

The ABI is hosting a campus-&-community book group to read and discuss Anne Braden’s 1958 memoir, The Wall Between. Moderated by Braden biographer and retired UofL professor Cate Fosl, the group will meet 3 times. Come to all 3 sessions, or come to any that you can.

 This story is essential reading for anyone who lives or works in Louisville. Reading of the book prior to each session is recommended (not required), but familiarity with the story is helpful for the discussion, especially the October anniversary dates.

TO SIGN UP FOR THE READING GROUPS, CLICK THIS LINK or VISIT https://bit.ly/wallinbtw. The Wall Between can be acquired in several ways. Copies can be purchased in-person at Carmichaels Bookstore for 20% off at the mention of the Anne Braden Institute Reading Group.

October 27, 12:30pm, Speed Cinema

Screening of The Other America: An Anne Braden Story

Event Page: https://www.speedmuseum.org/event/the-other-america-an-anne-braden-story/

The ABI will host a free showing of ‘The Other America: Anne Braden Story’ in partnership with the Speed Cinema’s free community showings. “The Other America’ is a puppet film inspired by Anne Braden's 1958 memoir, The Wall Between combining tabletop puppetry, shadow puppetry, and other techniques to tell the story of how two families challenged Louisville, Kentucky's segregated housing market. The screening will be accompanied by a talkback with guest speakers!


Updated October 2024