Hite Art News

All news from Hite Art Institute, Department of Fine Arts

All news from Hite Art Institute, Department of Fine Arts

Art for Silliness's Sake
From Birth to Death
Korea Fiber Art 2023, Louisville March 24-April 15
Spring 2023 BFA Thesis Exhibition
April 13-May 10, 2023
Scholastic Silvery Key and Honorable Mention
February 13-March 17, 2023
MFA Graduates Exhibition
Speaking Figuratively
January 12-February 9, 2023
2022 Fall BFA Thesis Exhibition
November 17 - December 14, 2022
2022 Annual Student Exhibition
December 2-January 6, 2023
2022 Open Studio Juried Exhibition
October 7 - November 19, 2022
Lesch | Oldham Needlework
January 13 - March 11, 2023
2022 St James Court Scholarship Foundation's HS Scholarship Competition
September 9 - 21, 2022
Art from the Collection of Dario and Madeline Covi
September 30-November 5, 2022
Sites and Sights of Work
May 27 - August 27, 2022
Shawnee Boys and Girls Club Art
Thursday May 19 5-7 PM
Alumni Exhibition
April 15-May 27, 2022
Spring 2022 MFA Thesis Exhibitions
Spring 2022 BFA Thesis Exhibition
April 7-May 20, 2022
Recreational Meeting at UofL
Thursday March 3, 2022
New Recruits
February 25- April 8, 2022
2022 Silver Key and Honorable Mention Exhibition
February 8-March 11, 2022