Part-Time Lecturers Handbook

The purpose of the Part-Time Lecturers Handbook is to provide a source where Part-Time Lecturers (PTLs) can access information they need quickly and easily.


Virtual Orientation - the Employee Success Center has created a virtual orientation for PTLs with important need-to-know information to start your time at the University of Louisville!

UofL General Information phone number: 852-5555
Introduction to UofL - Includes the university's history, Mission Statement, and Vision Statement
Board of Trustees
Campus Map
Parking Information
Cardinal Card - Your UofL ID card and related benefits

Ombuds Office
The Ombuds Office at the University of Louisville serves all employees of the university including administrators, faculty, staff, and post-doctoral fellows. The Ombuds will serve as the initial point of contact for employees who have disputes. The role of the Ombuds is to help employees resolve differences informally through discussion and referral to other conflict resolution venues when appropriate.

Faculty & Staff Landing Page

Your Accounts - Email, Blackboard, etc.
Human Resources
Employee Success & Professional Development
Operations & Business Support
Health & Safety

Payment - Helpful Info

  • There must be a signed contract in place before payment can be submitted. Payment will typically be processed as Period Activity Pay, paid out monthly over the indicated term. Please note, the timeframe for payments must fall within the timeframe worked. Courses taught over a partial term must be paid out within that designated timeframe, payments cannot be made across the full term.
  • When checking your pay (refer to the Reading your Paycheck/Payslip Quick Reference Guide) you can also find the pay information by going to your profile, selecting Compensation (note: if you work with multiple departments you will have multiple Lecturer/Contract job profiles - you can swap between positions by selecting the blue arrows beside the job profile and choosing another position), and here you can access current and historical period activity pay information. Look here for comments with course details if you think you may have issues with your pay to confirm which course has the error.
  • Emergency Payroll Payments - in the event of a missed payment, reach out to your Department Chair regarding the status of pay in Workday and to submit the Special Check Request form if needed.

Check our overview of PTL Benefits for some additional information regarding options available to eligible PTLs and what to expect come Summer Term.

Retirement Programs
Tuition Remission
Employee Discounts and Perks


Training and Professional Development Opportunities - Delphi Center
Teaching Onboarding at UofL - offered as an online cohort course or direct access to online resources, including how to use Blackboard and other UofL technologies

Textbook Ordering - Note the deadlines for submitting course materials to the UofL Bookstore

Submitting Grades - Instructions
Grading System - Varies by department; check with your department to see what their policy is.

Schedule of Courses - Online
Calendars - Landing page for Academic Calendars, University Holidays, Work Restricted Religious Holy Days, University Events, etc.
Severe Weather Announcements
Classroom Scheduling

IT Helpdesk: 852-7997


Each department is responsible for policy on the following items:
Instructional Support
Office Space
Office Hours
Use of Computers
Copying Procedures
Evaluation of Faculty Performance
Long-distance phone calls relating to students
Some items required to be included in your syllabus

See all University Library hours, borrowing privileges, reserve a room, learn about Faculty support, and more

Other Resources

Disabilities Resource Center
Discriminatory Harassment Policy
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
University Police
Information Technology Services
Writing Center
Web Publishing at U of L
Computer Account Usage Agreement


Faculty Senate Webpage
Schedule of Faculty Senate Meetings
Faculty Senators (Including Part-Time Lecturers) and Contact Info
Redbook: Basic governance document for the University of Louisville

Part-time Lecturers Listserv: This is a moderated listserv that is a forum for announcements and news from the Faculty Senate, as well as for discussions among part-time lecturers about issues of interest and concern to us all. To be added to the list, please email .

If you have any suggestions or comments, please email the Office of the Provost.