Faculty Affairs

Headshot of Cherie Dawson-Edwards, Vice Provost for Faculty AffairsFaculty Affairs works with the provost and academic deans to oversee all faculty personnel actions and to provide faculty and administrator professional development programs. Personnel transition services include coordinating and advising related to the university's promotion and tenure process; and assisting deans, department chairs and faculty with issues associated with hiring, retention, reviews, and sabbatical and medical leaves.  The office offers an annual academic leadership program for department chairs and other administrative leaders.  The office offers an orientation program for new faculty and deans, and a year-long new faculty professional development program.  In addition, the office facilitates the nomination process for national and internal awards and recognition.  The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs serves as the provost's liaison to the Faculty Senate, and serves in an ex officiocapacity on administrative searches and reviews.  The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs partners with the Vice Provost for Diversity and International Affairs to develop strategies for enhancing faculty diversity and inclusiveness.

Below you will find links with more information about matters handled in our office.  If you are new to the university, you may want to start with the on-line faculty handbook or the Redbook.  The Redbook is the governance document of the University of Louisville and contains important information about faculty personnel policies, and the organization and governance of the academic units.

If you have questions about any of the information on this site, please contact Cherie Dawson-Edwards , Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, or Kitty de Voogd Director of Faculty Affairs. We look forward to working with you.