Dr. Courtade's curriculum vitae [PDF]
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Special Education, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2006
- M.S., Special Education, D'Youville College, 1999
- B.A., Psychology, State University of New York of Buffalo, 1996
Teaching Areas
- Moderate/Severe Disabilities
- Curriculum and Methods
- Systematic Instruction
- Assessment
- Research Methods
Research Interests
- Moderate/Severe Disabilities
- Access to the General Curriculum
- Systematic Instruction
- Assessment
Professional Activities
- 2013-present CEC CCSS Advisory Board
- 2013-present Editorial Board member, Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
- 2013-present Editorial Board member, Remedial and Special Education
- 2012-present Editor, DADD Express
- 2011-present Member, IES Mathematics and Science Education Scientific Review Panel
- 2008-present Technical co-Editor and Editorial Board Member, Rural Special Education Quarterly
Professional Memberships
- American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES), President
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Divisions: Division on Developmental Disabilities (Critical Issues & Legislative Committee)
Division for Research
Division on Career Development and Transition
Teacher Education Division - TASH (Education Committee)
Selected Publications
- Sterling-Orth, A., Schraeder, T., & Courtade, G. (2017). Guide to clinical supervision. Chippewa Falls, WI: The Cognitive Press.
- Jimenez, B., Courtade, G., & Browder, D. (2016). Six successful strategies for teaching to state standards for students with moderate to severe disabilities. Verona, WI: Attainment Company, Inc.
- Courtade, G., Gurney, B., & Carden, R. (2017). Using read-alouds of grade-level social studies text and systematic prompting to promote comprehension for students with severe disabilities. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 41, 291-301.
- Courtade, G., Shipman, S., & Williams, R. (2017). Increasing academic rigor through comprehensive, ongoing professional development in rural special education: A description of the SPLASH program. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 36(4), 191-202.
- Courtade, G., Test, D. W., & Cook, B. G. Evidence-based practices for learners with severe intellectual disability. Research and Practice for Students with Severe Disabilities.
- Pennington, R., & Courtade, G. (2015). An examination of teacher and student behaviors in classrooms for students with moderate and severe intellectual disability. Preventing School Failure, 59(1), 40-47. doi: 10.1080/1045988X.2014.919141