2010-2011 Goals

The overall goals will be to continue to make progress on the 2009 Update recommendations and to realize the committee goals.

Integration of Work and Family Chair:  Ann Larson

  1. Work with library to create a bibliography to be posted on COSW website identifying Work-Life lending library resources.
  2. Submit a Community Engagement Community Partner Award application for ELC.
  3. Explore policies universities and the private sector have regarding aging parents and make specific recommendations.
  4. Develop a brochure highlighting COSW’s Work-Life initiatives and showcasing policies and resources at the University on this issue.

Recruitment, Retention and Representation Chair:  Pamela Feldhoff

  1. Analyze annual data supplied by Institutional Research and provide report on findings.
  2. Plan a campus wide workshop for associate women professors.
  3. Meet with Part-Time Faculty to understand issues and concerns and make recommendations.
  4. Assist with developing the methodology for a campus wide gender equity salary survey.
  5. Update the Cohort Brochure.

Campus Climate Chair:  Tammi Thomas

  1. Continue to encourage the University of Louisville to partner with other state universities to address the issue of concealed deadly weapons on college campuses.
  2. Re-evaluate current sexual harassment training product used in Human Resources for faculty and staff.  Determine if there are other options available that would be more effective.
  3. Continue to review the practice pertaining to sexual harassment incidents and how information is gathered, tracked, monitored and reported.
  4. Work to establish mandatory sexual harassment prevention training for all new U of L students.
  5. Review results of “Campus Survey Report:  Safety Perception and Experiences of Violence.
  6. Review campus climate survey results of students, faculty and staff.

Communications Committee Chair:  Jeanne Guerrero

  1. Improve website - more depth, consistency, completeness
  2. Improve internal communication processes - for example, how to use the sharepoint site to share documents rather than email
  3. Document Susan's constituency list to maintain the information sharing momentum
  4. Continue with congratulation letters including documenting process for consistency
  5. Update and conduct new member orientation
  6. Enhance COSW visibility
  7. Prepare promotional video